Aluminium in human brain tissue from donors without neurodegenerative disease: A comparison with Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and autism.
Aluminium in human brain tissue from dono... - Cure Parkinson's
Aluminium in human brain tissue from donors without neurodegenerative disease: A comparison with Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and autism.

In the world of anti vaccs as this forum is now, we need to be very wary and check out info. One of these authors is known for his anti vaccs stance.
Ahem. (clearing my throat)
Hikoi, scientific research cuts both ways. Cherry pick away.
Since government funded research is focused on pharmaceutical drug development - and not cause and effect for the explosion in the development of neurological disorders (injury); it is incumbent upon the citizen scientists here at HU to untangle and reverse engineer the process that caused the injury in the first place.
Aluminum neurotoxicity is the smoking gun.
Vaccines are the primary source of aluminum poisoning.
Government isn't going to put the cash cow out to pasture willingly.
Belive what you want - but don't mischaracterize thoughtful scientific discussion as an anti-vax conspiracy theory.
You are free to leave the forum if you disagree with the free expression of thoughts and ideas that don't align with your own.
Been here since 2011. No planning to leave just yet.
and also very well liked Hikoi, especially with that beautiful painting as an avatar entitled "The Kiss" if I'm not mistaken, absolutely of good choice, as the name Hikoi which I think in Maori language means "a long journey, or a protest march" I like to think it refers to a free spirit.
Vicious, condemnational rhetoric often is directed at individuals who espouse an idea which conflicts with an orthodoxy.
"Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church."
Point well made. It took another 300 years for the Catholic church to clear Galileo's name. Unfortunately some things never change.
Have heard for a long time about aluminum in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. I quit using main stream deodorant, flu shots, etc and drinking stuff from aluminum cans. I have also been detoxing heavy metals plus making sure I have healthy fats since the brain needs cholesterol to function.
Great post. We are careful with aluminium too. My husband was on statins, which are absolutely the worst. Cholesterol isn't the problem. Your brain is made up of cholesterol. Your brain needs fat. I wonder if that had anything to do with his PD?
We detox through sweat in saunas and also calcium EDTA. How are you detoxing the heavy metals?
"We have confirmed previous conclusions that the aluminium content of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis is significantly elevated. "
This is a study in Nature.
Thank you for the post. When my husband was first diagnosed with PD, we went to this great doctor in southern California. The very first thing he did with all his chronically ill patients, which were all of his patients, was to check them for heavy metals. George tested extremely high in lead. There was one other person they had who tested higher in lead than George in the previous 10 years. He also had PD.
My arsenic levels are high. Roundup is contaminated with arsenic, other potential sources of arsenic exposure have been eliminated. For example: well water, high rice consumption, apple juice etc.
This is not a correlation implies causation argument; it is a temporal relationship = more likely than not.
"An association between pesticide use and ALS has been explicitly evaluated and suggested in previous studies,139–141,146,163–166 including two recent studies from India167 and the USA (organochlorine compounds, pyrethroids, herbicides, and fumigants specifically).168 In meta-analyses, pesticide use was found to be significantly associated with a higher risk of ALS,168,169"
"exposure to pesticides targeting weeds and insects in farming was associated with a 33 to 80 percent increase in the risk of developing Parkinson's disease"
Any and all environmental toxins are to be avoided - this is the precautionary principle.
I know you know this Bepo, it's for the benefit of others who may just be starting their journey or skeptics who need more data to embrace the theory of causation.
I love the road from correlation to causation. One has to eat organic whenever possible. It may have some toxins, but not as much as non-organic food, non GMO foods..
You also need to test to see if you have a heavy metal load, (Doctor's Data,) or other toxicants through (The White Plains Lab.) Studies have shown spraying with weed killers, (We use 30% vinegar, instead,) and other insect repellants even mold in your house, can cause problems.
Yep. Wanna take a stab at the most prevalent source of aluminum, especially since we are discussing children with an acquired neurological disorder (injury)?