I am 66 and trying to explore options for a monotherapy. My question is: What kind of medications did you use during the early stages of PD and how long were you able to stick with them before you started taking L-Dopa? Thank you for your kind answers.
Greetings, I am new here. I wish everyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Greetings, I am new here. I wish everyone health and patience during this challenging time.

Parkinson’s thiamine hcl
Parkinson’s relief web page

Thank you! I will look into this, definitely.
Welcome to a great group of people with a ton of combined experience in many areas of living with PD. I think you'll find the mix of information interesting and useful! Here is a link to a comprehensive page covering Dr. Costantini's HDT/B-1/Thiamine HCL protocol and should answer most questions you may have regarding the use of High Dose Thiamine HCL.
Good luck!
Why are you afraid of levadopa Sunflower?
I know there are different points of view on whether it's advisable to put off levodopa therapy. Personally, I waited three years, and when I started levodopa therapy found that the depression I had struggled with for many years and which had not responded well to anti-depressants, melted away. The past year and a half have been very good -- minimal symptoms and no side effects. I am glad of it and wish I had started sooner. Here's a useful article:
" there is considerable evidence to suggest that
fluctuations of the response of Parkinson's disease to therapy
with levodopa and decreased tolerance of levodopa are related
to the severity of the disease rather than to the levodopa therapy,
and consequently there is no reason to postpone therapy "
There are people on this forum who use mucuna to good effect. If you choose that route, you will find good information here.
Welcome SunflowerKZN - does that mean you're in Kwazulu Natal? We lived there for 20 years.
My husband is 66 and was diagnosed with PD 15 years ago.
You will find lots of good advice from some clever people on this forum.
Over the years my husband has been prescribed many drugs. Can't remember what he took in the beginning as we were too busy running a company so 'just got on with it' without paying too much attention to Parkinson's (unfortunately). He has in the past taken selegeline, Azilect & Stalevo but now only takes Sinemet as well as lots of supplements.
Hi Sunflower
I first took Sinemet and Symmetrel for two years and they did not slow down the progression of my Pd. My neurologist then took me off them and put me onto Selegiline, which I took, on its own for the next six years.
I had to come off it then, because of high blood pressure, which is a side effect of MOA-b inhibitors.
I my opinion, that is the best way to gpo.
Studies have shown that levodopa typically has better outcomes after 5 years than other drugs, so that's what I did. I don't regret my decision. Take something that will control your symptoms and stay active. Don't suffer thinking you will save levodopa when all else fails. Over 5 years, I have since added Mirapex and Comtan and my symptoms are controlled pretty well.