Have read an article regarding research into IBS and brain/nerve disorders including Parkinsons and MS. Anyone else heard of this?
I am new here and interested in Parkinson... - Cure Parkinson's
I am new here and interested in Parkinsons and the gut

There is a theory that Parkinson's starts in the stomach where the secondary nerve system resides. Then the virus spreads to the brain, and develops Parkinson's. However, if this is true, it would be difficult to treat with anti-biotics, because you may kill off some of the positive effects of viruses in the stomach that protect the human body.
Useful links on Michael J. Fox website: michaeljfox.org/mobile/sear....
I think this is what happens - - that antibiotics ARE very damaging to the gut biome and therefore can make Parkinson's symptoms worse. This is what I have observed with a friend whose symptoms have worsened after hospital admission (and antibiotics given when low blood pressure was thought by the A & E team to be linked to infection). I first read about the research into Parkinson's the gut in December 2016, but before long then I wrote to my friend's consultant as follows :
"I wonder whether [friend’s] deterioration could be the result of changes to his gut microbiome and the consequent effects on the enteric nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system / vagus nerve. To me, this seems the most likely explanation – he has been treated for infections on other hospital visits, and this could be a common factor. He has always recovered function following hospital visits, although slowly and not fully. I found these recent studies interesting ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/254... (in full wilson-disease.org/Editor/e... )
See also briangrant.org/a-new-perspe... nature.com/nrneurol/journal...
This paper indicates how the gut microbiota influences the enteric nervous system
Put all this together and it seems to me an indication that it i a good idea to cultivate good bacteria,.
See also:
Bacteria Living in the Gut Could be
Responsible for Parkinson's Disease
By John Raphae
Right now microbiome research is in its infancy, but dysbiosis is linked to tons of diseases and disorders.
We are just now starting to find out what a profound effect our terrible diets that kill off beneficial bacteria have on immune system, neurological function, etc.
They all work together and send messages to the brain and also impact immune function and prevent autoimmune issues.
Antibiotics are not only to blame.
Eating a diet with low fiber and processed crap leaves the gut with nothing for them to feed off and they die eventually. ( they need fibers to live not only sugars)
Our ancestors also ate fermented foods daily filled with trillions of probiotics.
These days in modern world people are disgusted by these foods and rarely consume them