It is very hard for me to fall a sleep at night. Does anyone have any kind of advice what i can do to help with the pain.. thank you
, I get terrible cramping pain in my lef... - Cure Parkinson's
, I get terrible cramping pain in my left leg and my foot also curls up ,every evening,

Hi Li,
May be two things, Leg pain could be Ham String
Foot definatly PD
Leg pain can also be SCIATICA SPONDIALOSIS ,Spine problems which I have
and tuck 1 shot, EPIDURMAL,
Good luck
I take a tonic water or quinine tablets...also bananas. I get them too!
Stop taking quinine tablets ASAP!!!!! My Neuro told me that all doctors have been told to stop advising patients to use quinine as they it can be a serious health issue.
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday cautioned consumers against using quinine for leg cramps, warning that the drug could cause severe side effects, including death. Quinine, sold in this country under the brand name Qualaquin, is approved for treatment of uncomplicated malaria, but has a long history of use as a remedy for leg cramps, especially at night. In many countries, it is sold over the counter. Studies have shown that it can reduce the incidence of cramps by one-third to one-half but that as many as one in every 25 users can suffer serious side effects.
In a new warning to health professionals, the FDA said that between April 2005 and Oct. 1, 2008, it had received 38 reports of severe adverse events associated with the drug, including two deaths. Twenty-one patients had to be hospitalized because of severe bleeding due to a loss of blood cells called platelets -- a condition called thromobocytopenia -- and an additional 12 had bleeding in their mucosa. The agency believes many similar events went unreported.
Thanks. I dont take them but dr prescribed them. Is tonic water ok?
Tonic water is fine but there is one on the market with quinine added that should not be consumed.
This information was given to me by my neurologist at the VA and VA doctors are forbidden from prescribing quinine but the can be open for malpractice.
Your doctor should never have given that to you
My husband has cramp also was prescribed slow release meds at night but didn't do much good, he just puts up with it i'm afraid, I am the cramp massager when needed xx good luck
Thank God for spouses! I dont know what I would do without my hubby.He makes PD less painful.Without the love and support of Bill, I would be lost.
I am also blessed with a spouse that massages my legs. You are a blessing!
My partner's restless legs (not the same I know) are helped by a magnesium supplement at bed time - in fact magnesium supplementation generally may help PD muscle problems. Bananas are high in magnesium - see for example
I take Mg to help me relax an go to sleep. Many people swear by magnesium taken through the skin, which is supposed to be a more efficient way of taking it into the body -- do an internet search for 'magnesium oil' or 'magnesium clhoride + muscles (say).
I do hope this helps.
Magnesium works for me. I get horrible cramps in my legs, but with mag. supplement no more cramps. I just got back from a family vacation, did not bring my supplements and wouldn't you know it, cramps. I have also been told to use icy/hot on cramp but I haven't tried it.
Water, Drink more water and ask you doctor for a muscle relaxer, don't let you leg get cold either this what I have figured out from having rigidiness in my left arm and leg.
I get it in the morning. 400 mg of magnesium at night. Toe curling is a bit of a problem for me in the morning. It goes away after meds and breakfast. Someone recommended a device called "yoga toes". I just have to put rigid sandals on so I don't trip myself. Oh yes and lots of fiber and fluid.
Try stretching your toes up and back with your hands frequently during the day and before bed. Also try to wiggle the long bones in the forefoot up and down with both hands. If you can't, see if someone can do it for you. Maybe a masseur. Finally, perform runners calf stretches frequently... it's done standing, best at kitchen sink for safety. loosens things up for a decrease trigger for spasm and pain.
I take Gabapentin 400 mg about 1/2 hour before bed and it stops the pain and makes me sleepy.
I have had the same problem for 6 months or so and my neuro prescribed AMANATADINE, in a few days the problem started to ease on one pill in the morning. Now I'm on 2 daily one motning and one midday and I havr not had a cramp or foot trying to curl since. It is primarily a flu drug but has been used fot PD for years. It really worked for me. My neuro said the problem is dystonia.
Michael J Fox has added Amanatadine to his meds. I've used it for 2 years. It is very helpful.
Linsoko............. you are having DYSTONIA. Common PD symptom. OPILUT...................... great advice. I started the AMANTADINE a couple of months ago and although I sstil have Dystonia but very moderatly and doesn't slow me down in the slightest. Before it was regular episodes that kept me from hiking and going on long walks and if I wasn't having a dystonia "episode" , I felt like I was about to. I take 100mg capsules 3X a day. No side effects no adverse drug interactions. Ask your nuero. - Tess
I had the same thing/ My PD Dr said like TessL said it is Dystonia and put me on Amantadine. No problem since
Welcome to the club!!! 8 yrs dx still suffer to varying degrees. Have just had X rays lower spine, hips, knees, ankles & feet. Awaiting results.As I'm feeling a bit better I'll try to keep posting.
please go see the doctor that near you
I have had same problem. I was diagnosed with P.D. in March of last year . You might want to ask your neurologist what he/she thinks about a prescription called ropinirole. This is to best of my knowledge a generic name. I still have the frozen twisted foot but not as often and for not as long of periods of time. I hope this gives you more information that you can share with your dr and good luck to you .
thank you, for this information but i was on that and i was getting very sick and it was not helping he took me off of it..
I had a stiffness in the lower left ankle, foot after walking a while...this was before I was diagnosed. Not particularily painful, but difficult to move, my foot would arch over like a capsizing ship. After a short rest it would disappear. I believe this was oner of the first physical signs of the disease I had. Good news is, dont get that anymore, like all the odd aches and pains associated with PD, they last for a while then go...
I've found vitamin E 400mgs. ,one in the morning & one at bedtime ,plus 400 mgs. magnesium helps my leg & foot cramps.
Exercise and massage, as well as yoga and stretching all help Careful with Requip discuss with dr. and read up on the possible side effects..... hope you can learn some mediitation and any other techniques to ease this annoying symptom.
iron- aug 17
I suffer with terrible cramp in my feet and legs I take quinine tablet's from doctor they work lf you take them regular
Acupuncture works for me. Meditation too
Energy as medicine - I use reiki and tapping to help unstick trapped emotions, the physical manifestation of which is in whichever pain, cramp or heavy feeling he has. So if you know a reiki practitioner, accredited healer or eft practitioner ask to be taught how to do this for yourselves - it is so empowering. I can't count the number of times a combination of massage, or touch, or tapping has helped Beloved through discomfort, with the benefit that he doesn't need a med for pain, to my surprise. By the way, life has improved enormously in this last year since he went off pramipexole (now on low dose rotigotine that works for him) and takes a daily banana! When he took a (foot)bath the magnesium chloride worked fine. I use frequencies designed to alleviate symptoms also.
Severe muscle cramping in feet, calves and front of thighs was one of my first symptoms of PD. Fairly well managed now with magnesium, E2, and I've recently added therapeutic massage. Sometimes just mildly stretching one muscle can trigger cramp in another muscle group, so therapist is using a slow, incremental process of releasing rigid areas using trigger point and other techniques, as she describes it, in layers. Often, it feels worse for a day or two before it feels better.
started with left foot for me about a year ago, happens three for nights a week now usually between 3 and 5 am, very bad knotting/pain in center of left foot, I usually jump on stationary bike for 5-10 min...un knotts it...... I just think of the children at St Jude, and I have no problems,, God Speed
Theraworx works great for me. Walmart amazon around $18
yup.. let me see , ok yaa its 4am my left foot cramps are right on time 8(