Husband had an appointment with his neurologist a few weeks ago. Hubby does not have tremors and dr. stated he couldn't tell if hubby was getting any worse. Also asked him if he was depressed and he responded no.
Neurologist said well you can up your dosage of Carbidopa/Levodopa - do you want to do that? We both just looked at him and said no. With that he said see you in 6 months.
I certainly could have called office or written a message to the doctor with questions via the portal.
1. Hubby isn't depressed. He certainly has apathy. I am the one to motivate him. Why doesn't the doctor dig deeper or come straight out and ask questions relating to apathy as this is one of the symptoms?
2. Why would we want to increase the C/L? Should we?
Hubby was way "off" yesterday. Going back t festination (standing on toes when starting to walk) and fretting (difficulty walking over thresholds and such). Asked him how he was feeling and said having difficulty. With that I am going to give him one extra C/L this morning. Hubby is on the HB1 protocol (which has done him well).
Ok thanks.