Not an end to it, but an inexpensive widely available malaria tablet has been found to speed recovery in patients and produce a sharp decrease in the amount of time they remained a small study in the south of France. It also showed promise prophylactically for reducing the risk of infection
French research posts successful Covid 19... - Cure Parkinson's
French research posts successful Covid 19 drug trial

That's a great news for a trial result. South Korean experts have been recommending the combo of antiviral and anti-malaria drugs for patients, and Australian researchers soon claimed the combo of lopinavir/ritonavir caused "disappearance of the virus."
With a successful human trial result of these anti-malaria chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine, expediently applied antiviral/anti-malaria combo therapy from the widely available drugs means a sharp decrease in the patient mortality.
Sanofi, the french producer of Plaquenil has announced, today march 17, that the company was ready to give for free millions of doses (enough for treating 300,000 patients) if the good news is confirmed.
Interesting small trial. NO mention of possible retina damage with the amount (600 mcgs) every day for 10 days. Also, no mention if these were ICU patients. I assume they were not. Also, no mention of the age cohorts, which would be critical, but I don't understand french (in the video).
Hope it works on a larger sample.
Resistance to this drug is relatively common with malaria, which might become an issue down the road with COVID-19.
The video doesn't specify. No information about the trial that isn't in the article (except maybe reference to further improvement in results when a specific antibiotic I can't catch the name of, is used in conjunction. Apparantly standard practice at this clinic to use antibiotics to treat viral chest conditions due to frequent bacterial complications, and this antibiotic (maybe) also has anti-viral efficacy (grey line on the graph)
Much of the video is emphasising success of S Korea and China due to exceptionally proactive testing, lamenting Frances pathetic testing levels, noting its a choice not a result of lack of capacity. He also mentions a Lancet paper of 9 March 2020 which establishes that on average individuals are infectious for 20 days from first presentation of symptoms, and asks why we therefore have a policy of 14 day isolation???
I cited the Lancet article in another post somewhere which I recommend reading. I know that the 21 (or is it 16) Diamond Princess passengers in the US have remained contagious and in high level quarantine for more than 40 days. I don't know who came up with the 14 day period or why. Nothing to substantiate it.
I hope the French researcher publishes a more detailed explanation of what they did in English. Somewhat surprised they have not. Really surprised.
China has stopped publishing data, so any conclusions about their "success" is questionable. EU stats now confirm more ceases than China, but without data from China, it is impossible to draw valid conclusions.
The guy in the video was referencing the south China daily post as a good source of data. My understanding is China is still reporting data but new cases for 18 March were nil.
I understand Pfizer uk in collaboration with a German biotech are starting testing a vaccine. Stock on shelves expected in about 6 months although scaling up will be a challenge
That sounds fantastic, do you have any idea what it is called? Thanks
Last post for some time...of all threads.
Beginning the close down of my three clinical trials as of yesterday...
--- no small undertaking even though they are Phase 2 with 100+ participants per trial. A long time setting up; a long time shutting down.
Many of my Chinese members of my teams don't understand why since many still buy the idea that China has solved the problem. They don't want to believe that China stopped publishing data weeks ago. Very clever of the Chinese If I say so myself.
Thank you for your change of tone. I note your comments. There is no evidence for your claim about the Chinese. Not even Trump is making the claim. It supposes that reports like this are either a fraudulent conspiracy or naive ignorance without your privileged insider knowledge.
On the balance of probabilities Neil Armstrong did land on the moon.
Should your version of events turn out to be false i think we are witnessing the rise of the next world dominant economy and the decline of the current one. China is poised to restart, and has relatively speaking minimised unnecessary deaths