Hi Friends, if you have any experience as a caregiver,concerning this topic,please contribute.Your input will be appreciated.I will like to know,if this condition set in rapidly,or gradual.I mean the decline in cognition and memory.This is a source of concern for me,especially if as a PWP you don't have someone you can count on as your caregiver.Anytime that this crosses my mind,I tell myself,don't worry,God is in control.I understand,50% of PWP will develop this condition,and that it is not as bad as Alzheimer. Have you been forgetful a lot lately?I noticed that,I tend to forget things,when I get anxious.Do you feel this way too.Thanks in advance for your input.

Indeed it is scary stuff oreolu. But it is important to know that mild cognitive impairment , that is forgetting things, having trouble finding the right words, trouble multitasking is common and does not mean you are on the road to dementia. It is just part of PD.
Yup, it's part of getting old, whether you have PD or not. Don't stress out too much ruminating or it'll contribute to worsening of symptoms, just as you've noticed.
I hear your anxiety and certainly understand. I have put off learning to practice meditation way too long - maybe that is something that would help us both!
I agree with the previous posts, I'm not sure whether it's PD or just a part of getting older. I notice I'm forgetting things easier so I'm getting into the habit of writing things down.
Thanks everyone for all your support.
What drugs are you taking? Some of the Parkinson's drugs will make you feel like you're losing your mind.
i do know they can cause hallucinations in some people if thats what you mean by losing your mind. But it is not a given, depends on amount, combination etc.
It is not just about getting older though that may contribute but mild cognitive impairment is definitely part of PD and you will find u tube lectures on it. It is problems with executive function of the brain. If reading that and watching the videos does not allay your fears then I suspect you also have anxiety, exceedingly common in PD and not always coming with depression. It can be very debilitating so worth discussing with your health team.