Free webinar by Dr. Mischley: - Cure Parkinson's
Free webinar by Dr. Mischley
Damn . It's on my birthday. I usually think in terms of Guinness and the craic rather than a Parkinson's webinar. Hopefully there'll be a recording
When I clicked on the link, it said it wasn't available. Do you know if this is the 2019 classes Dr Mischley presented?
Hmm. When I clicked on it I was able to register and I got a return email confirmation. Maybe I posted a bad link. Let me post again.
Try this direct link
Contact Phone
1-800-4PD-INFO (473-4636)
That worked. Thank you. Did you know Dr. Mischley has an online class for Parkinson's? She gives a lecture on the 14th & 28th of each month. It's very informative. I can send the link if you want. It's not free but it's not too much.
Does she talk of something new and helpful or is it the same old wives tale?
I have also signed up for this online class. I think I paid $100; had a $50 off coupon. I have learned quite a bit in the two video classes she has posted so far! And I've watched some of her presentations at conferences online before. if anyone is interested.
I’m a retired physical therapist and over 20 years of dealing with PD. I have heard Dr. Mischley at 3 conferences in the NW and spoken to her in person. I have listened to the first lecture and found it to be very good, Both as a review and introducing new info.