Does anyone know the particular brand of intranasal glutathione which Dr. Laurie Mischley recommends?
Dr. Mischley - Glutathione : Does anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Dr. Mischley - Glutathione

Hi Jim,
My husband is her patient. She prescribed it for him and our compounding pharmacist filled her prescription. Not cheap either.
Also, our FM practitioner gave him intravenous glutathione injection which is 100 times more effective!
Hi Despe. What does it do for him?
I too see Dr Mischley fairly regularly and was told over year ago that - contrary to earlier indicators - more recents studies indicate little or no advantage gained by the.expensive (and troublesome) intranasal formulation over existing oral glutathione supplements. I’ve taken 500 mg 2x p/day of ‘reduced glutathione’ ever since.
Hi PDC ! Do you then use it still ??
What has it done for you. My husband had extreme apathy. He's been taking Mannitol for a few weeks and it had a dramatic effect. Maybe this might help as well.
Your the lady. Thankyou. How much mannitol?
Hi there, my husband takes 1tablespoon a day in coffee. That is what was recommended in the initial research. Our pharmacist confirmed it. The result was amazing.
If you are interested, have a look at the Syncolein site to read about the research. This is what was initially mentioned on this site and where I started.
We get our mannitol in Australia from a wholesaler, who imports it from Spain. It's the Sosa brand and some members have sourced it directly from the company, which you could try.
Good luck. Please keep us informed.
Thankyou Gwen. I have a hunch that Vitex helped my dad. A hd/Nd wrote an essay on natural pd meds and got first in Australia. Her name was Allison Shaw. On net somewhere. She says that Vitex does not down regulate receptors. Like meds or macuna. Cheers .
I just read that mannitol pulls fluid from the brain ? I better look at the page you suggested. Cheers
Keep in mind that mannitol is a diabetic sweetener. The suggested dose is 1tbs. a day. Our pharmacist reported, when he checked the research, that more is not better, in fact is detrimental. The no sugar lollies at the supermarket say (under contents): mannitol. I suspect if you were using it in diabetic foods, you'd be using a lot more than 1tbs and my husband says his iced coffee is not particularly sweet using 1tbs.
Hi, intranasal glutathione is a compounded pharmaceutical that requires a prescription.
You can nebulize glutathione (this is what I'm doing). There is a lot of research information online. This therapy is contraindicated if you have asthma or are sulfate sensitive.
The product I buy is Cardiovascular Research reduced glutathione powder. Starting at 1g and titrated up to 5g.
Nebulizers are easy to find on Craigslist and Facebook.
S-acetyl glutathione supposedly gets past the gut and reaches the brain...seems to provide more energy and clarity. 200 mg/day...several brands available. Anyone else using S-acetyl version of glutathione?
S-Acetylglutathione (SAG) is a GSH precursor, it is more stable
than GSH itself in plasma and is taken up directly by cells and later
converted to GSH (see Figure 1). The acetylation of the sulfur atom
prevents the decomposition of GSH and facilitates its absorption
through the intestinal wall as is, thus enabling the molecule to pass
extensively into the cells. Moreover, cysteinyl acetylation prevents the
oxidation of the thiol group before its absorption.
I’m now taking 5ml liposomal Glutathione - it’s a liquid version & requires Rx. Superior to tablets and more cost effective than IV , easier than nebulizing. It’s an antioxidant w benefits that may not appear evident . I take it as “insurance”.