Broken Bones or Osteoporosis?: ... - Cure Parkinson's

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Broken Bones or Osteoporosis?

tarz profile image
16 Replies

Transmutation of the Elements

I don't know exactly how this concept might help you deal with PD, but it surely can help you mend broken bones and replenish the calcium to strengthen your skeletal system. I discovered this book “Biological Transmutations” back in about 1979, or rather it was recommended to me by some bearded guy dressed in a robe and turban, who appeared one day, seemingly out of nowhere in the General Nutrition Center (GNC) that I was managing, in the Fashion Place Mall, Salt Lake County at the time. If I remember correctly, he told me he was, at the time, teaching as an adjunct professor at the University of Utah.

I soon bought the book and began to read it. Although strongly rejected as impossible by most scientists and college professors in this country, it has been proven that the concept of low-energy elemental transmutation (sometimes called alchemy) has been constantly happening all around us in nature, forever! Anyway, I learned much from the book including the fact that eating calcium-rich food is not a very efficient way to rebuild your skeletal system.

If you think about it, while dairy cows are our most plentiful source of dietary calcium, and perhaps one of the heaviest-boned of our domesticated animals, they have no good source of calcium in their diets. In nature, their main food has always been grass (hay). And any dairy farmer can tell you that in order to endure the various cheap alternatives that they are fed along with their natural diet (cotton seed, corn, etc.), they must also be given antibiotics to keep them from getting too sick, so that they can continue milk production.

So if their feed is so poor in calcium, from where does their seemingly endless source of that element come? Observation and experimentation described in that book has shown that it is transmuted by combining two of the most abundant elements on this planet, Silicon and Carbon! Or, Si + C = Ca. If I could remember what I was taught in the Organic Chemistry class I attended back in 1973, perhaps I could balance that equation.

The fact is that virtually all plant life depends upon silica for structural strength, and it can be found in all vegetarian foods, some with much greater concentration than others. Many grasses are very good sources for silicon, and if we had four stomachs, as cows have, perhaps we could make use of such a source to acquire the calcium we need. But its also true that if we had learned from childhood to eat lots of green leafy and other green vegetables (brassica, legumes, etc.), we would never find ourselves lacking in the calcium we might need for skeletal repair and maintenance. However, for therapeutic use, there are remedies based on this natural concept of biological transmutation.

For example, while I worked at GNC I had a roommate, Lawrence, who rode a motorcycle. One summer night he ran into a car that had begun to make an illegal left turn in front of him. The accident left him with a severely shattered left hip, and the attending physician said he would probably require multiple operations, resulting in many months of hospitalization, and that he would probably never walk again.

I knew that the doctors had no understanding of silicon-calcium transmutation, nor the importance of good nutrition in any kind of healing. So on my next visit, I brought him a jar of alfalfa powder capsules, for nutrition, and a jar of horsetail grass powder capsules, a very high source of silicon. I then told him to take one of each with every meal. Within about three months he was out of the hospital, walking around, leaving the MD's scratching their heads. A week or so later he was riding around, pedaling a bicycle, and got a job shoveling a sand-blaster all day, these activities, although demanding on the hips, seemed to cause him no problems. Miracle, or just good science?

Anyway, you can learn more about this concept at the following website (and many others) -

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tarz profile image
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16 Replies
justjohn46 profile image

well why not just take tablets off theses things as it seems that was the main ingredient that helped him.theres a lot more to just taking some tablets to come back to normal if theres no doctors were would we be regards, john

park_bear profile image


Calcium is plentiful in leafy green things, including grasses, which is where the cows get it. Calcium is also plentiful in our diets between leafy green things, dairy products, calcium enriched foods, and antacids, among other things. The problem is the body's machinery for getting calcium out of the bloodstream and into the bones is often lacking. When this occurs we suffer the double whammy of osteoporosis and hardening of the arteries. Adding calcium only makes the problem worse. The key ingredients needed are vitamins K and D and boron and silica. Often these are in short supply and need to be supplemented.

The idea that biological systems can cause atomic fusion is not reality.

tarz profile image
tarz in reply to park_bear

Unfortunately, people don't seem to be getting enough calcium the way that you suggest, thus the continuing bane of osteoporosis. This is the reason for a possible therapeutic need to add a greater source of organic silica to their diet.

tarz profile image
tarz in reply to park_bear

BTW, cows eat very little green leafy plants, neither in nature nor domesticated. At least 90 % of their diet consists of grasses, very low in calcium, very high in silica, and hard to digest. Thus the reason for four stomachs. If they were to eat much leafy green food, which has more calcium, it would cause them to bloat and die. They were designed to eat grasses and transmute silicon into calcium.

Parkie- profile image
Parkie- in reply to park_bear

Hello Park_Bear,

Concerning calcium getting all over the place when the body's machinery for getting it out of the bloodstream and into the bones is lacking:

Could this be the cause for Calcium Deposits on Tendons?

I am asking because a person dear to me keeps getting multiple tendonitis (for a couple of years now). And he was just told they are caused by calcium deposits on the tendons.

Would Vit K, D, Boron andd Silica help him?

Thank you

Kind regards

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Parkie-

Errant calcium deposits can definitely result from a lack of these supplements. Since I have started taking them I no longer get calcium deposits on my teeth - hard white deposits called "calculus" that the dental hygienists scrape off. See my writings for further information:

Vitamins and Minerals for Bone Health and Reduced Risk of Cancer

Vitamin K: Unsung and Essential

Details of the vitamins and minerals that improve bone strength, reduce fracture risk, prevent hardening of the arteries, improve cardiovascular outcomes, and reduce cancer risk.

What You Need to Know to Reduce Risk of Hip Fracture and Cardiovascular Disease

A review of the foregoing + calcium deposits on teeth as a sign of trouble.

LAJ12345 profile image

I read this and thought it is nonsense and defies all chemistry as I was taught it. But then I started researching it and found this

I can’t find any papers that show it up as a hoax. It certainly gives you something to think about. Maybe chemistry as we were taught it got it wrong?

tarz profile image
tarz in reply to LAJ12345

Hasn't this always been the case with the progress of knowledge? Established error is often difficult to overcome.

Here is another interesting website related to my original premise-


Although current science admittedly doesn't understand the way (or perhaps doesn't want to admit what is beginning to be understood) that silicon functions to greatly strengthen bones, researchers have recently begun to recognize its value in the growth and maintenance of our skeletal system, where it had always been assumed to be just another inert contaminant that ‘washes through’ the body, having no biological or toxicological properties to affect our internal systems.

Since science often lags behind reality, perhaps mainly because scientists are greatly motivated for financial and reputational reasons to protect their favored, established theories and belief systems, it may be a while before the reality of biological transmutation is accepted. But now that we have the internet, we are provided with a never before available means to weigh the pros and cons of these established beliefs and emerging ideas, and so perhaps this new generation will awaken to these many formerly ignored realities that surround us.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to LAJ12345

The first line of the paper at your link:

" Long before the discovery of "cold fusion" by Pons and Fleischman,"

is a nonstarter. That so-called discovery was debunked when no one was able to replicate it, and moreover:

"Fleischmann and Pons had not actually detected nuclear reaction byproducts"

If it actually worked they would be heroes and we would be buying home hobbyist fusion kits. The reality is getting atomic nuclei to fuse requires enormous temperatures incompatible with biological systems.

tarz profile image
tarz in reply to park_bear

Yet cold fusion is currently taught all around the world, including at MIT. And several years ago an MIT professor revealed/confessed that their researchers had deliberately botched their experiment to verify the claims of Fleischman and Pons, to disprove the idea of cold fusion.

He admitted that their school was receiving millions of dollars in support of their research into "hot fusion", and their department feared that if cold fusion were shown to be a valid concept, they might lose their lucrative funding.

In other words, just like cancer research, the results of this and so much other 'scientific effort' is bought and sold to the highest bidders.

Unfortunately, this has always been true, as a consequence of the evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men.

No, I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a conspiracy realist, for the evidence is all around us!

I thank you for your inquiring mind.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to tarz

No one has demonstrated cold fusion.

tarz profile image
tarz in reply to park_bear

Take a look at these, bear, and see if there might be reason to suspect that such an event might have occurred numerous times and is being covered up. After all, there has been much fear that such a potential source of free energy, available to everyone, would cause the collapse of the petroleum-based world economy.

Here is further info regarding the MIT cover-up of cold fusion -

And for more information, go to -

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to tarz

If cold fusion actually worked it would be unstoppable - analogous to high-dose thiamine - easy and cheap to do and no one could stop you from doing it. Instead, Toyota spent over 12 million British pounds supporting Fleischmann's efforts which failed.

tarz profile image
tarz in reply to park_bear

And yet there is a world-wide effort, on the one side, to investigate its potential, and seemingly just as great an effort on the other side to cover up its successes. You need to go back and re-read the data in those websites which I provided in my previous reply.

After all, twelve million British pounds is a drop in the bucket when compared with the trillions of dollars which are at stake if the petroleum-based world economic collapse should take place, due to the success of cold fusion.

nsofka profile image

Thank you for this!

I have osteoporosis and almost a year ago I fell and broke my right hip. This has caused many complications and has aggravated my PD extensively. I now have to deal with horrible Spasming in my hip. But with all that aside. I have tried the medication prescribed to build bone. This also aggravated my PD. So I have been looking for alternative methods. I also learned that it is not calcium that builds bone but collagen. I know I can’t talk to my orthopedic doctor about it because he thinks only the medication Will work. Plus he added that at my age I can’t really build bone. I believe that is BS! My body built New bone in my hip.There seems to be a lot of controversy on the subject. I do take calcium and I make sure I take a lot of K2 with it and D3. I have learned that the K2 it’s really important to get the calcium out of the blood and into connective tissue and bone where it should be.I’m also adding a bone broth To add in collagen.

This is good additional information about the silica.

All the best,


tarz profile image
tarz in reply to nsofka

Hopefully, you will find that the powerful silica source in horsetail grass powder capsules, taken with every meal, might be the answer to your problem, as it was for my friend Lawrence, who was healed so quickly and dramatically.

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