Does taking Sinemet cause an one to produce a think mucus feeling at the back of their throat In as little as 5 -10 minutes. It causes feeling of chocking and being unable swallow i dont have it first thing and starts mildly when first dose and feel s thicket and last longer as I take more does. I don’t get it with controlled release one. But I find I can’t use cr all day any more as that was what I was on in the first 4-5years+ but if I try it now it’s imposible to use all day as by the afternoon my voice did appears and I can barely whisper.
Anyhow back to the mucus does anyone have this problem and how to they cope . I rub and massage my neck and stretch neck but sometime i wake in night feeling like mucus is choking and then in the morning I’m ok again except then I get bad dystonia and can’t swallow at all
I really would like to,change my meds but was told that they all contain. Levodopa. Which is what is causing the mucus . Well I disagree I may get on better with madaphor or another levodopa drugs just wish they would justvtty