I do apologize. I have had a number of people contact me over the above and thought I'd posted internet links to the research.
I learnt about Mannitol from Gwendolinej and that began another episode of research which found that Mannitol kills alpha-synuclein in the gut and so prevents it travelling up the vagus nerve into the brain where it misfolds neurons etc. L-Serine is an amino acid that also crosses the blood brain barrier and starts unfolding the misfolded neurons, and lastly the whole Coffee Cherry Concentrate increases BDNF in the brain by 143% and it is this increased BDNF that is needed to create new brain cells.
Two of these reports are from PubMed which is all French to me so I may have made a misinterpretation or two. Here are the links and I sincerely apologize.
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/236... (Mannitol)
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/233... (Coffee Cherry)