I am five years on c/l I wonder what's causing social phobia to get worse as time passes on c/l or pd any suggestions any natural remedies ? thanks
social anxiety /phobia: I am five years on... - Cure Parkinson's
social anxiety /phobia

I'm petrified of mind-altering drugs. Kava kava worked for me well. It has been a while so I don't remember the dosage. Also Bach flower remedy, the little drops really help too. if the doctor prescribes, you could try metoprolol XL a small dosage, 25 mg
thanks for the info
Kava causes illness, including liver damage, has occurred even with short-term use of normal doses. The use of kava for as little as one to three months has resulted in the need for liver transplants, and even death. Early symptoms of liver damage include yellowed eyes and skin (jaundice), fatigue, and dark urine.
The WHO finds kava use risk is acceptably low. Apparently the quality of the kava and the extraction method makes a difference:
Moderate consumption of kava in its traditional form, i.e. as a water-based suspension of kava roots, has been deemed as presenting an "acceptably low level of health risk" by the World Health Organization.[9] However, consumption of kava extracts produced with organic solvents, or excessive amounts of poor quality kava products, may be linked to an increased risk of adverse health outcomes (including potential liver injury).[9][10][11]
Kava had a really bad reaction on my husband . He started juddering and felt really ill. I have seen articles saying it’s bad for PD.
It may be a sign of depression and anxiety. Try taking Hardy’s daily essential nutrients. hardynutritionals.com/produ....
my neurologist just gave me clonazepam anyone has experience with it
Clonazepam is for short term use. Physical dependency can happen in a little as two weeks continued use.
I was told you can become dependent taking clonazapam only 10 days. My husband had it when he had his major anxiety condition last Christmas. Now we keep it fo an emergency for short term use. He finds 1/4 of a tablet calms him enough.
Yes, I've been taking it for a few years now and it was originally prescribed to treat my anxiety. My doctor at that timed said I were to become overwhelmed or headed for a panic attack, I should take 1 to 2 tablets mornings and/or nights. He also said that if I wasn't seeing results from that dosage, I should take 3 to 4 tablets mornings and or nights.
About a week later (having taken a couple of times every day, ''I felt as if my anxiety seemed to be getting worse, so I contacted the doctor's office. Of course I didn't get to speak with him, but his nurse called me back. She said the doctor wants you finish the rest of the prescription and then come back to see him to discuss this medicine or alternatives. I agreed.
That Friday I was anxious at work (I had also consumed a lot of coffee, some diet cokes--no water. So my anxiety was pretty high up there. SO I took 2 Clonazapam. I got in my vehicle to come home and was okay until my lane came off an overpass and merged into a four lane freeway. My stomach felt hot and I was starting to sweat--alot. You've heard that song, "I'm on the Highway to Hell!" that's how it felt and I was driving the lead car! I couldn't catch my breath and my heart was racing so fast I thought i was going to have a heart attack, IF I didn't wreck first. I managed to get over in the right hand lane and exited..I was driving 20 mph. Cars were honking at me, waiving their middle finger. l pulled over into a parking lot and called my husband to come and collect me. Soon after that I found a report that read 'excessive Clonazapam actually induces panic attacks. I thought well, I'll just stop taking them. I would taper off and take only before bed. They did help me sleep better, so I began to taper down, but my body was rebelled I felt terrible. I felt like was trying to crawl out of my skin. This went on for about a week. I finally got the monkey off my back. For the next 2 weeks, I couldn't sleep. So here's what I do (and my new Dr, says it fine.) Realizing how habit forming this drug is, I tricked my body into not relying on a set dose. Just before bed, I take 1/2 a tablet. I do the same the second night. But on the 3rd night I take a whole tablet. The next night I go back to 1/2 a tablet as well as the second night and finally the third night I'm back to a full tablet. I have been following this routine for about 2 years now and have not built a tolerance, no increase in dosages and it allows me to get at least 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep......sometimes more. All this to say--sometimes me give up on treatments (holistic and traditional medicine), when really it might just need to be tweaked to meet our needs. Hell, I'll try anything once to overcome this thing that deteriorates or lives!
Loss if serotonin causing anxiety is most likely. I take SSRI drug citalopram it helps me feel more confident. Not natural I know but takes the fight for normality to PD.
Whatever the cause, it would not be PD. But as I was saying in another post, it just so happens that if you are not allergic to hay fever type pollens and especially ragweed, nor have atopic skin or other H1 histamine type problems, and you are not on digitalis, you might take a try at chamomile, tea or powder caps (ssuming that's what you are indeed getting if you buy it). Perhaps wouldn't hurt under the circumstances I just mentioned, and might well provide some benefit without going to pharmaceuticals.
If it does not help, it needs to be worked up by a psychiatrist. A good one, after clearing rhte medical/neuropsychiatric checks and possible medical confounds, will also refer to a person to work with you on a behavior therapy component. The combo of psychiatric assessment, and if indicated, treatment (whether pharmaceutical or not), plus behavior therapy is the most effective treatment in the arsenal the professionals have for "social anxiety."