For those of us who have found our right B1 dose and have been on it for some time, should we be considering a short break from it? I'm sure Dr C said something. Can anyone remember? If he did suggest this, it was presumably to stop the chance of over dosing or the body getting so used to the B1 that it becomes ineffective. Has anyone tried a short break for this purpose? After how long on your 'right' dose was it and for how long was this holiday?
Should we take a short holiday from B1 af... - Cure Parkinson's
Should we take a short holiday from B1 after a time?

After 6 months of daily use Dr. C had me take a 5 day break each month. It’s weird because by the 3rd day off B1 I feel great for about a week. I’m thinking of now taking 7 day breaks as I remember he advised someone else of longer break periods.
I’ve been on B1 for a year and started with 2000mg daily now only seem to need (based on how I feel) 500mg daily w/breaks.
Lately, my tremors and balance worsened on 1 g so I reduced to 1/2 gm...didn't work...then 1/4 gm, again, didn't work. I then completely stopped it, and felt better each day. I've been off it now the longest ever...4 days. I intend to restart in 2 - 4 days on 250 mg 1x daily. I use to take just 1 day a week break.
Kerrington, Try Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation it’s really been great for reducing/reversing motor and balance symptoms. Life is near normal for me. Getting a manicure/pedicure right now.
I’m heading to Cancun for a week long advanced workshop. Going by myself.
You can find him on YouTube or go to his website and watch PD patient testimonials.
Ok, I will. for some reason I've always thought meditation wd not work for me because I always have a clear friends can't believe it !
Enjoy your week, soak up that vitamin D !
I have a clear mind too, all the better for meditation results, though knowing what I know now I believe it’s beneficial for all at some level.
Remember the NIH paper on the man who reversed his PD after years of meditation. Click on my avatar to find the paper I previously posted. I’d post it again but I’m on my iPhone right now.
I attend the Dr. Joe Dispenza advanced workshop June 10th to the 16th, I’ll let everyone know how it goes.
Thank you for this, Constance. I'm going to have a look on YouTube today. I've never been diagnosed with PD but only with Intentional Tremor. However my balance is so poor now that I'm having to use a stick. Also, I don't swing my arms. I joined HU to help my husband who had PD.
@kgold : A friend of mine was at that very Workshop- she’s amped for meditation! Already a seasoned Yogi, I figured that was good enough, but no- she’s explained that meditation will take you further towards health. Adding another time block to my schedule stresses me out as bad as The potential lost benefits if I Skip out!
Hi Dap,
The last sentence of Robert Rogers Ph.D article should answer your question. We have many new members on the list so I thought I better post this article again. It's an explanation of how thiamine HCL works and how come we have problems adjusting the dosage after we have taken it for a while. And what we can do. Myself, I have not taken thiamine HCL for probably a week now. Mary
Robert R is suggesting that after we've got the methylation cycle up and running we won't need high dose B1 anymore. That's not what Dr C said. He said to take it for life, with holidays.
Yes, definitely you have to take it for life. However that's why the people have so much trouble here with adjusting the dosage. That's why you might want to take a smaller dosage or maybe even stop for a short time and then start again. And I think that's why we need big dosages to begin with to overcome and repair the methylation cycle. Mary
I started 2 g/day in March 2018 and felt improvements after a week. After a month the improvement was huge. Later on, after few months, my tremor increased while everything else was perfect. I cut down to 1g/day for few months and I felt the tremor was reduced. But lately I noticed the tremor increased and the other non-motor symptoms were coming back (foggy mind, constipation, balance). Last week I went back to 2g/day and now everything looks almost perfect, no more non-motors issues and the tremor was reduced.
I'll stay on 2g and from time to time I'll take a break when I feel the symptoms get amplified by the extra dose. It seems 1g/day is not enough for me.
That's exactly what my husband has found works for him, he is getting to know by how his body feels if he needs to reduce or increase. Thought of maybe taking a break one or two days a week, maybe the weekend can be his time off, and we will see if it evens things dose wise.
In my case, I take a one-week break every three, but not systematically. Then, after a week, I begin to feel the need for it as fatigue, constipation and non-motor symptoms return. I think that a break is good for me to take back all the other substances that b1 burns mainly minerals / vitamins that only a good healthy and balanced food can recover. IMHO thiamine activates many energetic and non-energetic processes and could burn other substances such as calcium, magnesium and other minerals and cause deficiencies. It is necessary to take a break to solve these deficiencies, also useful to remedy any excess of B1 that has always relieved when solved.However, introducing regular breaks is certainly common sense and a nutritionist will explain it to you very well.
Dr C wrote me sometime ago and told me to take 1 week off a month. Been doing that for some time now.