Regarding the pneumonia vaccine, do the risks getting the vaccine (aluminum content) outweigh a pwp Getting pneumonia. Trying to decide if I should get the shot or not. Thanks. For any input.
Pneumonia Vaccine?: Regarding the pneumonia... - Cure Parkinson's
Pneumonia Vaccine?

Aspirational pneumonia happens often and is 1 of the leading cause of death in PWP.
To be clear, pneumonia vaccination does not prevent aspirational pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia is a lung infection caused by saliva, food, drink, mouth secretions, stomach contents, etc. going into the lungs.
The benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. If you are over 65 get the Prevnar first and then the pneumovax six months later.
Pneumovax also requires periodic booster shots for the over 65.
Injection site reactions that are indistinguishable from cellulitis have been reported here and in the literature. Cellulitis is a very serious flesh infection that must be treated promptly with antibiotics.
Personally I have chosen to pass.
Cellulitis is a very rare complication, and is easily treated, so a very poor reason for not having a useful, lifesaving vaccine.
Adverse effects of medical treatments are grossly underreported."Only ∼ 5% of all adverse drug reactions leading to hospitalization were identified by voluntary reporting systems " This adverse effect is frequent enough to have been reported here and in the literature.
The effectiveness of this "life saving" vaccine is also questionable, " its effectiveness has been a controversial issue... Therefore, it is concluded that the protective effect of Pneumovax® II vaccination against a specific serotype in high-risk individuals will only be around 30%."
You are the same individual who recently stated "There are thousands of studies showing that glyphosate is safe ." You also stated " I have no no motives at all. .. I am a skeptic, as all real scientists are". Some of the things you seem to think as a "real scientist" are contrary to the litrature. In this case I cannot help but think that "real scientist" and "skeptic" translates to "opinionated" and "too lazy to look it up".
You also seem to be unaware of the potential adverse consequences of antibiotic treatment on gut flora for PWP.
Each individual must decide for him or herself whether or not to utilize this vaccine. I am setting forth the risks which need to be weighed along with the actual benefits.
if you develop pneumonia, the large amount of very potent antibiotics you will be prescribed is a certainty vs the possible cellulitis from injections. I am an RN and have only had one minor case of cellulitis in my 45 year career.
I have given hundreds (more likely thousands) of injections and have never once seen cellulitis requiring antibiotics from an injection.
My background is as an MD, (qualified 60 years ago) I was involved in medical research, as well as general practice, and I have Parkinson’s - responding reasonably well to standard L Dopa treatment, and on NO supplements . I get my advice from medical professionals, not medical amateurs.
While I am sceptical , as a scientist should and must be, I am easy to convince with evidence. But anecdotes are not evidence. You seem to suggest that skepticism translates as opinionated,. I suggest that is the opposite, my opinions are based on evidence.
On this website there must be hundreds of suggested treatments for Parkinson's. All made by sincere people, with no possible profit, but a fervent belief is not proof.
Parkinson’s is well known to have symptoms which vary from day to day, week to week and year to year, and it is easy to convince oneself that an improvement was caused by the latest fad.
Then there are those lucky enough to have a very mild variation of the disease, and convince themselves that they have the cure.
I would advise readers to treat all suggestions with a healthy skepticism, and while it is tempting to try every suggested treatment, you should find a doctor you trust and stick to their advice.
Thanks for the timely reminder. I had a pd friend die 3 weeks ago from pneumonia, up enjoying the sun on Sunday dead Tuesday am. 67 yrs old. The side effects of pneumonia include septicaemia and meningitis.
I think the amount of aluminium probably wont hasten my demise but pneumonia could.
“Aluminium is the most common metal in the earth’s crust and we are exposed to it all the time. It reacts with other elements to form aluminium salts, and small amounts of these are found naturally in almost all foods and drinking water, as well as in breast milk and in formula milk for babies. Aluminium salts are used as food additives (for example in bread and cakes) and in drugs such as antacids, and aluminium is widely used in food packaging.”
In UK “This vaccine is not given annually like the flu jab.
People with a long-term health condition may need just a single one-off pneumococcal vaccination or vaccination every 5 years, depending on their underlying health problem.”
Sorry about your friend. Really makes one think twice. Thanks for responding.
The concern about aluminium is one of many spurious worries put forward by the anti-vaccine movement. Their concerns on a wide range of fronts, including this, have been utterly debunked and the entire community is put in danger by people who refuse vaccines on the basis of such worries. I say all this with respect for your views, I do not want in any way to belittle your fears. However, I am if the age group that remembers horrible epidemics only stopped by vaccination.
This is for you and everyone else. Everyone.
Please for your life please disregard all the hysterical, paranoid monkey-brained nonsense you have heard and read about about the crazy risk of vaccines, and especially the pneumo vaccine (and the flu vaccines). All the stuff you've read about risk and harm is simply untrue. Just get them done. Also the newest one for measles and the one for shingles, Shingrix.
On the pneumo, one infection from a single antibiotic-resistant, antibiotic-immune, or superbug, which all very highly likely to occur since they are highly contagious, especially if you are ever in a public place with medical patients, children, or anyone who thereby is indirectly connected with them (virtually everybody) and you are dead dead dead, in VERY short, very painful, order...especially if you have any immune weakness, including immune-weakening treatments for well as most organ disorders...and all those suddenly left behind you alone or otherwise will wonder whether "Social Darwinism" actually works. The more people a bug has been through, the more virulent it is to its next victim. Just get it done.
Now let us go forth and not prematurely cull our species by avoiding vaccines.