I want a shot at keeping parkie from getting worse!
This is the first I have heard of this vaccine and I wonder why it has not been featured in the Press. If it is as good as it sounds, more people should know about it. I, also, would be interested in knowing if it could help this annoying tremor to stabilize. If so, I will be first in line!! After you, of course. Hope to hear more details soon.
It seems if it is successful it might be many years before it is licenced to be used in the UK or anywhere else, and of course the cost will be a consideration no doubt.
Yes. Only in first trial. Sure would love the chance to be in the next one. Hard to know there's something new & different out there now but you have to wait years to use it while symptoms progress.
yes we would all like the chance to help with these trials but we will all just have to be patient - again
I wonder where the trials are being conducted.
I'd love to know how it's supposed to work.
Trial is being conducted in Austria, sorry to all of us Americans getting into this trial. As for has patiences, yes we need that for it could be years folks before we see it if ever. I am just happy to hear about advancements for a cure for someone, sometime in the future. Can't look at it as cure for yourself, might never happen in my lifetime.
It sounds great! Thanks.