Realizing the seriousness of my situation after reading the posts about pneumonia and PD. Damn I'm not ready to enter this stage! Of all the realities and varieties of my existence I am ending like this?..............................................................................................
pneumonia and PD: Realizing the seriousness... - Cure Parkinson's
pneumonia and PD

Thanks for the info. I am going to ask my Doctor about getting a pneumonia vaccination. I realize this won't prevent all types of pneumonia, but it might help.
Like my doctor and pharmacist recommended the stronger, senior dose, that is what you can expect
I finally got shot after being hospitalize/d 6 times last winter. Wyoming doctorS ARE NOT THE PLACE TO BE WHENYOU ARE SICK. AT ONE POINT I WAS TAKEN TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM DOA.
Glad you weren't really DOA!
Yes, Wyoming is definitely not the place to be when sick. I make sure I get my flu and pneumonia shots.
Pelley, have you had a pneumonia vaccination? Also, curious have you read or watched the video of "Delay the Disease?"
Admittedly no.....
I routinely lie through my teeth everytime asked by my GP and Neuro about that and about flu shots. Not bragging, but haven't had the stomach flu since before I was dx with PD. I've also never had Chicken Pox so I've never given thought to gout prevention.
I know..... tell me how wrong I am!
The big problem is bacteria in the lungs due to aspirated food. Parkies do not chew, swallow and breath correctly, and often we do it all at the same time. There are several videos on the problem. Once food is in lungs it is very difficult to get it out. Think about what you are doing while you eat and drink, Take a breath before each bite, small bites, take your time, chew chew chew and relax.
There are two different shots for viral pneumonia , you need them both.
Whats so terrible about Pneumonia? They take you into the hospital and a day later your out. Read my answer in the post about cancer, maybe get a card. HAAHAHA
Oh and stop worrying so much, it is what it is, enjoy yourself and be careful slurping soup.
I worry about it too,although I'm in early stages.My mum had Alzheimer's and had aspiration pneumonia it was awful! For us and her
Well, you are not your mother, if you have PD not Alz then you can remember to not aspirate when you eat. I will find some videos, It turns out it is not our fault, poorly designed body , we are designed to be on all fours when eating, but I tried it , did not help much, turns out animals choke also.
Swallowing problems eventually appear for 95% of people with PD. It is stated that 70% of PwPs expire from Aspiration Pneumonia (which is caused by food/liquid going into the lungs - i.e. down the wrong way)
Think that swallowing is important for PwP's? You bet!
It is an essential that we understand the issues related to swallowing... in particular that we are aware of where we are in the breathing cycle when we swallow. There are excellent videos on the process. There are Fox webinars on the subject, podcasts. Here is one of the best:
There are articles on how to swallow pills, swallow food more safely, exercises to strengthen swallowing, devices and exercises to strengthen your ability to exhale. Articles on how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver. Do you know how this is done.. practiced it with your caregiver?... Did you know you can do it alone for yourself over a chair?.
I'd be glad to share these articles with you if you send me your email.