Interesting short video
How to produce more brain cells - Cure Parkinson's
How to produce more brain cells

Hi Erniediaz ! Thank you very much!
Finally a nice video that includes one of the most important elements: You! the spirit.
His presence is certain, his weight is not measurable, his power is divine, but somewhat lapsed in the body machine. Always considered immortal by all beliefs. He aware and responsible for his own decisions! He should!
The link doesn't work for me.
Could you give the title for me to find in YouTube ?
I was checking off the list and when I got to the green tea it recommended extract is better because it doesn't have caffeine. OMG! now caffeine is no good? By the time I figure all this shit out I'll be dead! LOL Steven
There are risks with Green Tea extract. The caffeine in Green tea is very low anyway. The only advantage with the extract is you don't have to drink Green tea. Though jasmine sometimes isn't so bad.
Thank you Ernie! I enjoyed this video, good information!😊
Today at Rehab I asked my physical therapist if exercise would create new receptors in the brain and she said absolutely not.
It is shocking how little is known about this disease. There has to be more education. I went to a Stanford University lab to get blood drawn a couple of months ago and I forewarned the Phlebotomist that I was tremoring because I had Parkinson’s. He was kind and understanding and I was happy until the point at which he asked, “so have you had this condition since birth?”
I was floored!

I agree. People just don’t know anything but social media these days and if it's not trending on social media its not Happening
This is a good start. There are many more studies and metadata analyses. Just google it.