Quercetin Found to Stimulate New Brain Cells - Cure Parkinson's
Quercetin Found to Stimulate New Brain Cells

Excellent information, thank you for posting. I have been using quercetin successfully for 3 years as a natural antihistamine/mast cell stabiliser but shall be moving my last tablet of the day to bedtime with my zinc, just to see if it improves my cognition (which has improved considerably over that time although I have made a wide number of changes so cannot ascribe to any one action/supplement.) Best wishes
Hi. How much have you been taking per day?
It varies and has gone up and down over that time. I am hypersensitive to medication, supplements, fillers etc so began with only half of one tablet (mine are Lamberts 500mg, so 250mg). I started off just using them when I got a reaction but as conditions have worsened found it better to take regularly. I have been as high as three full tablets daily (1500mg) which I appreciate has some contraindications and I wouldn't suggest to anyone else. When I can get my quercetin from extra food sources (watercress etc) I drop the dose for the day. If my symptoms are less severe, I adjust downwards. I can't use antihistamines and there aren't many options for mast cell dysfunction (B5 is useful, vit C, magnesium - and the magnesium will hopefully offset some of the reduction in COMT enzyme function that quercetin may cause) so while I'm working on underlying causes, this is really my only option.
All health gurus say some things that are true. They have to do that in order to hype their products.
Mercola is the single biggest funder and financial benefactor of the anti-vaccination movement. In other words, he publishes anti-vaccination information to profit from it.
"Over the past decade a single donor has contributed more than $2.9 million to the National Vaccine Information Center, accounting for about 40 percent of the organization’s funding, according to the most recent available tax records. That donor, osteopathic physician Joseph Mercola, has amassed a fortune selling natural health products, court records show, including vitamin supplements, some of which he claims are alternatives to vaccines."
Thanks Marc for posting this. Couldn’t agree more with you. Hard to believe people don’t realize that he is a brilliant marketer and that’s about it.
Got my 2nd vaccine yesterday. Nothing more than a slightly sore arm. After 500,000 passed away without vaccine and how many passed away that got it? Doesn’t take a genius to do the math.
When a Health Guru entitles their book "The truth about blah, blah, blah...," the clear implication is that they have information that others are withholding from us.
Thanks for your knowledge and advice. I have been on his mailing list for several years. Some of his articles are informative and interesting but they are soooo long! In all these years I've only ordered one thing from him. I do not like what he says about the vaccines and such. Do you remember Kevin Trudeau who wrote the book Natural Cures? They are a lot alike.
Thanks again! 🥊
Thanks for bringing quercetin to our collective attention, it's helpful even if others object to the source of your information. I'll supplement it with other reasearch so that hopefully the message of Quercetin benefits isn't drowned out by their noise.
Role of Quercetin Benefits in Neurodegeneration
Quercetin, Inflammation and Immunity
"potential benefits to overall health and disease resistance, including anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, and psychostimulant activities, as well as the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation, platelet aggregation and capillary permeability, and to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis"
Quercetin prevents spinal motor neuron degeneration induced by chronic excitotoxic stimulus by a sirtuin 1-dependent mechanism
Flavonoid-enriched extracts should be given strong consideration as novel therapies to prevent neurodegenerative diseases because of their potential beneficial effects on human health. These flavonoids may be able to target multiple sites in the brain and prevent neurodegenerative diseases.
Natural sources of Quercetin
Caution, more than 1g/day can cause kidney damage. 1000mg appears to be most effective.
PS. From his website,;
"The COVID-19 pandemic has been largely overblown by the media..."
"When you add these untruths to the plans being rolled out for ramping up citizen surveillance through test, track and trace, the erosion of our rights and freedoms through the emergency coronavirus legislation, the destruction of economies and the forced reliance of so many on the state for survival handouts, you realize how much we might lose whilst much of the world cowers behind closed doors in fear."
He is a conspiracy theorist.
"Looks to me like the purpose of the article is to sell the [Mercola's] book, "The Truth About COVID 19"
So what?
That wasn't the purpose of laglags post.
You hijacked laglags well intentioned post that offered information regarding quercetin and their unfortunate choice to cite a Mercola article in a hostile attempt to create a platform for your bias - I've seen too much of this from you on this forum and needed to speak up. I hope the moderators take notice of your behavior.
He believes virus testing and contact tracing is a government ruse for citizen surveillance.
You do have a big mouth against Mercola and then some. . . I have subscribed to his daily emails, and I have learned a lot about Parkinson's. You don't have to buy any of his products.
He says things like they are: Pharmaceutical companies are BIG PHARMA!!
COVID 19 and Great Reset. . . they are not vaccines, they are gene therapies. Take your mask off, you won't get COVID, walk free without fear of getting COVID! Isn't that the purpose of a vaccine???
PS. Oh by the way, he is a medical doctor, just like Dr. Hyman, Perlmutter, Dean, and so many other medical doctors who got sick of BIG PHARMA.
laglag, My apology for hijacking your thread. I meant only to alert you that you have to be careful reading Mercola.
Quercetin administration abrogates the Parkinson’s disease (PD)-like motor and non-motor symptoms and attenuates the behavioral, neurochemical and biochemical deficits induced by rotenone toxicity in rats
Quercetin and Apeginin both increase NAD levels.

Beneficial Effects of Flavonoids Against Parkinson's Disease
Baicalin is now of interest. Sulphuraphane is a definite must have it’s a matter of how? I definitely intend on growing the sprouts but that is not sustainable as the only source (busy, traveling, etc) Are you getting the powder you posted ? I just started a Brocomax today but I don’t anticipate it doing much if anything.
Thank you for the info that led me to realize that ubiquinol is not of much if any use for me.
Just started Taurine in powder form tonight. I hope it’s okay to mix with magnesium (CALM) powder.

I will be ordering that powder I posted about.
I should note that a number of posters disagreed with my COQ10 conclusions. It's a crap shoot, but I have to draw lines as best I can.
I researched ubiquinol further and it is worthwhile as an antioxidant but it might go in to rotation bc I’m taking so much Moringa powder is yet another I want to research.
A few years ago a friend sent me a link to an article on Mercola and when I started to go there the software on our computer flashed warnings saying this site could contain viruses so if anyone ever sends me a link to an article on that site I just google the topic and find the information elsewhere - it is not like this is difficult to do