Ok, this is quite of an ad, but still... a glimpse of hope maybe ?
Stem cells: Ok, this is quite of an ad, but... - Cure Parkinson's
Stem cells

Let's hope so! Exciting field I believe
Stemgenex ia fraud. Don't lure into it
Outright scam. At this time, given the extremely shaky state of the art, if anyone offers you stemcell treatment for a fee, run away as fast as you can. Only clinical trials performed by reputable institutes are likely to be legit, though, of course, the risk is high.
Why do they give so little detail, how long has he been diagnosed, how long since he had this treatment would be a start. I guess it is just a marketing video, and I guess he gets paid well to say these things. It sure hasnt stopped his tremor.
Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. They can’t even guarantee stem cells in the knee and orthopedic use of cells is about as advanced as it comes. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But it never works with pD....yet.
Right... they can update their promo VDO, but StemGenex remains one of the premier examples of stem cell S-C-A-Ms. The adipose (fat) cells they suck from your thighs, gluts, or lower belly will NOT differentiate into the DA neurons (dopamine producing) needed to address the needs of PD patients. Besides taking a peek at their website where they claim to cure all the 'big ones' inc MS, COPD, and PD (1st clue), plug 'StemGenex' into the HU 'search' box and review past exchanges on this notorious scamster.
StemGenex Scam: youtube.com/watch?v=Xnrg3Gk...
A couple of issues surrounding stem cells. First these are not programed cells they insert. There is nothing that will controls these cells to target only the neurons destroyed by the Parkinson's. So in reality these can travel and actually enhance an underlying negative condition. Technology hasn't come to the point where they can insert the cells directly where they need to go. Watching the video notice his left arm had a constant tremor so while he may feel better the symptoms are still there. MJ Fox had the stem cell treatment and he's still in a state of decline despite having it done.
The only legitimate stem cell trial is in phase 2 , going on in Australia by International Stem Cell Corporation (ISC). The cells are called hpNSc and directly injected into brain( substantia nigra) . So far the results are extremely encouraging . The only downside is that the commercial realization will not be possible before year 2020
Hi Iqbaliqbal >>> just in those difficult days for me (reactiion after an i.v. infusion of alpha-lipon-acid) reading again about stem cell.......in SanDiego there is also a very promising, scientific project, who will start in November.....(and also in Japan, Kyoto, but more tricky
because they don't use cells from the people themselves......). Also not many expecting in 2018, 2019.......observation time...........neverthelesss I know a german patient who can go there in November..........
how are the results of German patient who go there for stem cell treatment?
BTW have you diabetes ? I am asking because you have mentioned about alpha-lipon-acid injection