How much more do i have to give to pd my boyfriend of ten years has replaced me from someone he meet on the net. I get disablity but will have to start paying everthing now i am 54 had pd for seven years i am really scared really scared i hate i miss him and the life i thought we had. Everyone says be strong there is a reason. Someone please tell me what it could be
How much more: How much more do i have to... - Cure Parkinson's
How much more

You might meet someone better.
Use your time to get on the phone and contact all the agencies for help and let your friends know you may need help.
Hope things get better for you....quickly, but try to think of positive things to avoid stress reactions that may make your symptoms worse.
Keep your chin up and your head held high. I'm guessing that your boyfriend got scared and felt he couldn't cope with your pd anymore. How old is he and is his new woman younger? Anyway its always difficult to know what to say in these situations but try not to stress too much about it ( I know easy for me to say ) you will only succeed in compounding your pd symptoms. To hell with him its his loss! You got plenty of friends on here
who care. We are here for you so no need to feel scared. Take care and look after yourself. Stay positive and if you feel the need just inbox me anytime ok?
Andy xx
I Grammie03, Welcome to the site, am Precious 44. If someone will leave you in your time of need, then they really weren't meant to be with you, someone who truly loves you would stay and take care of you, It's better it was now and not when PD has made impossible for you to care for yourself. I understand it hurt, and it hurts bad, no getting around that, you will need to grieve the loss. It's normal to have to grieve after a break up and one that was so long, you have lost something dear to you. I don't know at what stage your are with your PD, but this is the place to be for, understanding, compassion,caring and just nice people. I found this site about a week ago and have had such wonderful people talk to me and explain things to me, so not only did I find people to talk to who understood and cared I am getting educated on PD. I hope you will keep coming and talking with us.
Have a nice evening
Precious 44
Its really late at night and i needed that. I have had DBS but my legs don't seem to want to work. And it is nice to talk to someone who REALLY understands. Everyone has been very nice i know it will just take time to get over him. The jerk ha ha
Hi, grammie,
Just thought I'd check in on you today and see how you are doing. I had an adventure I needed to go to the post office and mail a package back, I had an address label on it, buy I can't write. So I got in the line and the woman behind me looked nice so I asked her if she could write it for me because I have Parkinson's and can't write. She was so kind and gracious about it. See, there are even strangers who can be caring and helpful.
Hope you are taking care of yourself and being kind and gentle with yourself.
Hugs, Hugs, Hugs
Precious44 (Kathy)
I think we could be very good friends all of us. I found out about a volunteer job i am going to check on tuesday. Thank u for thinking of me. I think this weekend he will come get my jeep but he is going to leave me a paid for pickup so i guess he's not that bad. No he is. But after that i don't think i will need to see him. Hope u have plans for weekend everyone be safe dena
I think some other sufferers on here have gone through the same process of a partner leaving. I can't imagine what it must feel like.
However, you know we are here if you need friends.
I wish you all the best.
Oh wow, so painful. I've been in your shoes, but not because of the pd. He was not the man you thought he was, obviously. So sorry. Do you have any hobbies? Are you religious? Do you have girl friends to help you through this? I don't know what stage your pd is, but you will be ok, if you believe you will. Allow yourself time to mourn this relationship.......and then move on. Try to keep your mind busy.
You have many ppl who care on this blog. Hugs.
I've had a husband leave me when I was young & healthy. I am now old and have PD and my husband is the most supportive person I could imagine. Am grateful I am not with the 1st husband at this point in life.
All of the above is good information. This site has helped me deal with my PD more than anything else.
I had a partner who left me after 18 years and I was shell shocked!! I was fit and healthy then and it took me about 2 years to get over it but I did. I was diagnosed in dec 2010 and in Aug 2011 I met my new partner completely out of the blue and they accepted my Pd and have been so supportive. You see good things do happen and they will happen to you.
I hope i am that lucky thank u
Are you feeling any better?
If you can manage it, get someone to re-arrange some furniture so you won't expect to see him in his usual places.
When my fiance died suddenly, I couldn't bear it when I turned from the kitchen and looked in the living room and didn't see him sitting on the sofa. So, I moved the sofa to a wall where I couldn't see it from the kitchen.
It helped to not have that empty sofa shocker every day.
Good luck.
I have moved pictures he called and told me he still loved me and was going to make my jeep payments then he came to town the next day went to see MY daughter and never called. Just don't get it. I am very sorry for yoir loss i can't imagine the pain how strong u are and loving to ask about me thank u dena
How are you getting along? I've read your posts and I can see you're a person who, even though you are still hurting, uses your intelligence to help yourself "heel."
Volunteering will help you get your mind off "him." (He doesn't sound like he was as strong as you "are.") Have you tried to get help from "social services?" I'm not sure how you go about it, but they should be able to help.......and of coarse, talk to the "Big Boss Upstairs." "He's always there for you." Tell Him your problems, and ask for direction.
Take care and stay strong!
Thank u CJ. I am much better i have been able to talk to him and was proud to say that even if he did hurt me so bad I'm getting stronger everyday. He ask me to come back. I said ask me in six months. That was something i never thought i would say. There has to be a bigger picture here and i think i need to wait and see what it is. Going to church for the first time in to many years wqs a good start i think cried the whole time but i am really starting to feel HAPPY
Just read you message......"I'm so proud of you,girl!" Taking him back after he hurt you so bad would have just.. set yourself up to get hurt again.
You are right ...."There is a bigger picture here"...just have patience.
That "Happy" feeling you feel......that's your Heavenly Father shinning "His Light" on you.
You're going to be all-right're on the right track.
When I don't know what to do...I "talk" to our Lord, tell Him what bothers me,and ask for direction. Don't give up talking (praying) to the Lord, He "will" guide you....His Love never lets us down! We just have to have patience.
Take care and Stay Strong!