"How to optimize your gut and brain bacte... - Cure Parkinson's
"How to optimize your gut and brain bacteria "

Interesting but it sounded more like a sales pitch for his book. I do agree we eat too much processed foods and sugar and that cutting back on sugars and simple carbs, we can improve our gut health and overall feel better.
when I opened this it said video unavailable
I started a 48 hour fast today at 2 PM.
good for you! ... Today is day 106 of my O.M.A.D. diet! (one meal a day)
Okay, broke my fast. I started a 44 hour fast at 9 PM
And I broke my fast again. Bad day.
don't worry... because each day is the START of a new day of life! ... here's what i do for my O.M.A.D. diet (today is day 107 without a single snack... not even a 'carrot')...--------------------------------------------------------
i've been on a few different diets but this one works best for me... i don't watch carbs anymore (but I try to shop carefully for lower carb foods like my 'bread' at Sprouts which is only '2' NET carbs) ....
i don't watch calories anymore, either -- since i'm only eating duringa 90 minute window.... i'm eating 2 to 4 courses of food ... and i'm not depriving myself of 'good food'... so i do eat potatoes at least twice a week... and popcorn (no butter) ....
so i eat around 1500 calories a day (plus my MCT oil and cod liver oil = about 1750 calories)
so i'm not starving myself
here's one of my 'tricks'... i drink 3 or 4 cups of very weak decaf coffee with a heaping tablespoon of cacao powder (buy on Amazon) and a cup of ice ... blended... = about 2 fulls cups of "liquid"
first it is DELICIOUS! and only 30 calories for '2' cups! ...so if you drink '4' or more cups of this "chocolate coffee" each day... it will FILL YOU UP!
p.s. have a bathroom nearby ... LOL
Great diet tips. I love your weak decaf and cocoa drink.
Are you seeing benefits from this diet?
definitely! but i don't know how much weight i've lost because i refuse to go on a scale and get... disappointed...-------------------------
i killed my last two diets... exactly by doing that...
so this time... i let my 'movement' and 'clothes' and 'mirror' tell me i'm losing weight...
good luck! ... one day at a time...
My hwp has been struggling with off periods for months now. His was diagnosed in 2014 though I feel he was showing signs as far back as 2006. We started the c/l regiment and had been fairly stable then last summer Covid hit us and he now has periods of freezing. Just stops in his tracks cant go unless I gently push him. Scares me to death he will fall. We just started Rytary 3 pills 3 times a day it’s the high dose. At 4-5 hrs in he winds down and freezes so we’ve split dosing that mid day to 2 pills then one a couple hrs later just trying to cover the periods where the medication coverage is weakest. Sometimes it works sometimes not so much. So this last few days we are doing the standard 3 pills 3 times again and in the off periods he is taking a c/l 25/250 that I have cut in half. 🤷♀️ It seems to be helping. Tomorrow maybe a different story but so far so good. We see his doctor in a couple weeks and we will let him know what we are doing. Hoping we can give him a good report