What are the top three that people in this forum take? I take hdt b1 do you need extra b’s complex? I asked my dr. if she would recommend any supplements/vitamins that could be beneficial for me (with Pd) her answer was “you don’t need to spend your money on supplements you get all the nutrients from your food” she changed the subject right away, she didn’t let me finish asking her more questions!!!! I don’t eat vegetables, I am barely starting to, I don’t eat fish either just chicken and red meat. I was reading the Life Extension magazine, oh boy!!! 😲 there’s supplements for everything. Has anyone tried Taurine? I hope I get some responses as to the top three supplements, since I didn’t get an answer from my dr. so many they all sound beneficial. Thanks 😊
Which Vitamins/Supplements are essential ... - Cure Parkinson's
Which Vitamins/Supplements are essential for PWP.......... I know everyone’s needs are different but....

Chica, I do NOT have PD, but my son, 2015, was DX with PD. At the time I frequented this site. As my son's caretaker I was greatly helped by SILVESTROV. He no longer posts, but his past posts are still available. I recommend two posts.
They will come up when you write it in the titles on the "search healthunlocked" bar at the top of the page. The first one, Silvestrov does not document his suggestions as frequently (documentation or research was/is a hallmark of his).
The videos are between 5-15 minutes each....well worth your time to view them.
Best to you!
Margarita, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Thank you for sharing this info.
How is your son doing?
Chica, his first symptoms (age 52) appeared March of 2014. He was RE-DX January of 2017 with PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy). It is one of 6 PRIME OF LIFE BRAIN DISEASES (PSP, ALS, MSA, CBD, CTE, FTD,). He died May 4, 2017 (age 55). His father died of FTD, 2002 (age 65). My son did well (took supplements, exercised, etc) until he got his first bout of Aspiration Pneumonia and then five months later his 2nd bout.
PD and the listed 6 Prime of life Brain diseases are NOT related, but most brain diseases, at the start, exhibit similar visible symptoms.
My son was in the house band (free lance bass player) for the Art LABOE R&B concerts. He was one fabulous son....kind, sensitive, compassionate. He had a BA from UCLA, a law degree from Cal Berkeley Boalt (passed the Bar), passed the Calif CPA exam, Enrolled Agent for IRS. His day job was as a math teacher with LAUSD. I do miss him, a lot.
You can click on my name circle............it will take you to my three posts with a photo of my son.
I think you are on the correct path. Watch the videos of Silvestrov, take supplements and EXERCISE daily for at least an hour, and don't forget to think positively, not negatively.
Blessings, Margarita, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Get some magnesium citrate. And also look at silvertrov he's got some extensive info on supplements
B6 is a special case. See here: healthunlocked.com/parkinso...
So you take 100mg of b6 plus other b’s plus b1?
I try to match my intake of vitamin B6 to my intake of carbidopa. I also have posted some important additional information about vitamin B6 here: healthunlocked.com/parkinso...
Life Extension ! I had a severe reaction to a supplement from them. (Not faulting). It came as a morning pill and a different evening pill. So long ago. I probably could find it in my old HU posts. So severe I almost went to ER.

I will be carefully if ever order from them. Thank you for sharing.
Ask your doctor to run blood test for Homocysteine which can serve as one of the bio markers for many degenerative diseases. If you are not familiar with Homocysteine, read this article which explains it very well and how to keep it in optimal range:
Thank you very informative, have you tried the Whole Foods Multi? If so, how has your experience been with it. Also do you need to be tested for high levels of homocysteine before you can take this supplement?
No, I have not taken whole foods multi, but used HomocysteX Plus by Seeking Health and then switched to B Complex Plus by Pure Encapsulations to get full range of B vitamins. You can take this supplement without being tested for homocysteine, but it's good to get tested annually to monitor your level.
I do not take any supplements at all. No particular diet either, just a variety of foods.
I dispute the use of the word “essential” in your title
Basically I just eat what I like, which turns out to be protein. Bacon and eggs for breakfast, 2 ozs of meat plus salad for lunch, 3 ozs of meat for dinner with low cal veg. Low fat, No desert, no sugar, coffee with milk several times a day. One beer, and one glass of wine.
For those of us with Parkinson’s, the loss of sense of smell, goes with a reduction of taste sensation, so don’t waste money on expensive wine,
Again, I repeat, so not rely or read in too much on the experience of one person. We are all too different .
Using anecdotal evidence held back progress in medicine for hundreds of years, but I digress
If you have lost your sense of smell Mannitol has a good chance of bringing it back. It did for me and helped other symptoms (especially constipation). I slightly heaped teaspoon in the morning with coffee works for me. Having said that I could never taste a massive difference between £5 ($6:50 US) wine and £10 wine. But it is one of the pleasures of life IMO to smell good coffee and good wine.
I lost my sense of smell a long time ago I do on occasion smell garlic and onions when I sautee them oh boy what I would do to get my sense of smell back! constipation is a big problem for me now as well . Do you have a source that you recommend for Mannitol I live in New York. Thanks Steven
Just purchased this.. Bulksupplements Mannitol Powder... amazon.com/dp/B00QXQWHMY?re...
Thank you! Sounds like it might mix well with my mucuna and green tea I don't use sugar a little sweetness might be nice
Can hardly taste it in my coffee. Mildly sweet. I use a heaping tsp with mct and lions mane and blend all together. Really like the taste.
How long have you been taking the lions mane? And what benefits have you noticed that it helped with PD?
Been taking lions mane for about 2-3 months approx. So take that into consideration please. I seem more cognizant if that makes any sense. I think I’m able to concentrate a little better on specific tasks like reading and understanding advanced finger-style arrangements for guitar. Nothing dramatic just overall feel a little sharper. Easier to get the big picture. I tried terrasoul brand for a few weeks and nothing. Then tried electric brand, both purchased on Amazon. The electric brand is what I like. I will continue using it. Hope that helps.
I take mannitol for brain clarity, NAC to help my body make glutathione which may help delay progression and PEA which is an anti inflammatory so I can turn over in bed at night. Also magnesium.
I also take prescription meds, eat an ok diet and play tennis.
Progression is thankfully slow at the moment but I’m only 55.
The most useful for my husband has been Hardy’s daily essential nutrients which has many of the other suggested compounds included in it as well as natural forms of vitamins, and minerals, in high doses. It is made in Canada which I find reassuring. He also takes fish oil, ubiquinol, Restore Gold, mannitol,thiamine, and other things listed in his profile but I have no idea if any of them are helping as the only dramatic improvement I have seen was with the Hardy’s.