I wonder if anyone from countries outside of the uk could tell me what meds are prescribed for PD tremor?in the uk its mainly artane which is specifically used to treat tremor and i am interested to know if there are any other meds used worldwide and if any one has got relief of tremor with them.
what meds do other countries prescribe fo... - Cure Parkinson's
what meds do other countries prescribe for pd tremor?

I am in the US. I take Sinemet (Carbidopa/Levidopa) and MIrapex. The combination generally works well for me in relieving the tremors.
Hi, Artane is not used here in Sweden. The drugs of choice range from Madopar, Sinimet, Stalevo. Some combine Requip (ropinirol), Sifrol (pramipexol) and Azelect (rasagilline) with them. I shake and I take Stalevo,
Requip Depot and Azelect. They seem to work well.
I live in Japan, have had symptoms for ten years and been diagnosed since last August, and I'm still on virtually the same meds originally prescribed. I was first prescribed the anticholinergic drug Artane (trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride), but it had no noticeable effects at all, so after two weeks my doctor added Bi-Sifrul (pramipexole), which is a dopamine agonist; the effects were immediate, and I noticed quite a bit of reduction in the tremors of my foot. I've been on those two drugs at the same initial dosage since August, but I think I will have to increase the doses from twice a day to three times a day since I recently noticed that the tremor is returning more quickly than before.
Hubby tales Sinemet (25/100) and selegiline 5 mg. Movement Disorder Specialist told him he can take an extra 1/2 pill if he feels he needs it or before he will do anything strenuous. Also said he can take a pill during the night if leg cramps keep him awake. So far he hasn't needed anything additional and it has been 5 years since his diagnosis.
Have had most of the meds mentioned but i cant get any relief from tremor which is quite severe most of the time,i,m becoming less able to do most things which involve hand/arm movements,has become impossible to go for a meal in public.
I also live in the U.S. and take Sinemet and Mirapex for tremors. It seems to work well for me.
I live in the U.S. and take Sinemet 25/100, Requip XL, and Stalevo 100. It has almost been a year since diagnosis and neurologist is still adjusting meds. Not quite there yet; but better. Good luck to you.
I live in South-Africa, my Neurologist prescribed Pexola 1mg 3x per day. For the first six weeks the meds was adjusted every week and now it has been set more or less for the next 3 months. I was given Sinemet 50/200 1x per day, this one is for help keeping the platform a bitty higher so it helps to not go down between Meds times.