Stem cell treatment in China: - Cure Parkinson's
Stem cell treatment in China

What do you think?
I think is a scam!
Well, for this I am clueless
There has yet to be a publicly available stem cell treatment that has been properly validated as being effective against Parkinson's. There have been many that have been shown to be scams. In other words, this is likely to be a scam.
well i went to china and got stem cell treatment about 2 years ago it worked good for awhile millbrook but im back to the way before i went .it dont work.regards john.
for how long did it last?
hi iqbaliqbal well its very hard to tell when i think back about it i would say maybe about a year they got back to me about 6 days ago saying they are now using different drugs along with the stem treatment there but no guarentee if it works it will cost about 18.000 dollars thats for 2 weeks then theres your airfare and you buy your own food thats the same place as i went to before,regards,john,
I don't understand how they can have video of when she was first noticing the tremor in her own home?