First roof panels going up
New update on my new home.: First roof... - Cure Parkinson's
New update on my new home.

Interesting construction. Looking forward to seeing the finished version. Glad you still have the energy to undertake this enterprise.🙂
Wow....I think that's so kool that you are sharing the progress of your new home. I look forward to each new photo.
We, too, are building a new home to accommodate my husband, who has MSA. It has been a trying experience, as we did not use a contractor, but searched for subcontractors. The decision making and work of keeping people on the job has been exhausting for me in addition to caring for my husband. But we are a couple of weeks from getting in. Excited to finally be moving into something that will accommodate his needs. I will see if I can post a pic also.
We just down sized. Our home was fine just too big. We had 2600 sq ft this will have
1100 sq ft living a 2000 sq ft play room and a 1900 sq ft shop. play room will be maintained by my son . We also were able to keep some money from the sale of our home due to the low cost of building this one.
Bailey you are absolutely my role model!
Thank you
I hope i inspire you to do something you always wanted to do. This did not come easy months of doubt and lost sleep. Then just took a leap of faith and off we went. We are 4 months into the project including selling our home.
By the 7th of December we will be dried in and we will start the inside work.