If Glutathione doesn't cross BBB, it doesn't matter how much of it appears in your lab results (blood) secondary to subcutaneous injection, IV, oral tablets or intranasal. Right? And, from what I've read, intranasal delivery has proven absorption across BBB as evidenced by MRI-like scans of Mischley, et al. Problem: individual syringe doses, like those used in the study, three times/d- are expensive and inconvenient. I am seeking answers to why the nasal spray (multi-use small containers) can't be used. I believe the Seattle pharmacist (whose proprietary compound was utilized in the Mischley studies) indicated instability was at issue and that individual dosing of refrigerated product was required for 'best' results. So, can we find 'average' results in a multi-use container? I think folks are concocting their own recipes but I'd like to see a professionally compounded version somewhere. Anyone? Searching...
Glutathione seeking tested, effective int... - Cure Parkinson's
Glutathione seeking tested, effective intranasal spray

Do you have contact info for Dr Mischley, I've heard she does consultations via SKYPE, thanks - JG
Yes and she is a proponent of the individually dispensed formulation three times per day. I follow up w her in January!
Hi Amy,
I am trying the intranasal supplements right now. My doctor ordered it from the same compound pharmacy that Dr Mischley used in the study at Bastyr.it is expensive due to how it needs to be shipped. But, it has helped my energy level immensely. My down times have also decreased. I have been diagnosed with PD since 2010.
What I am now noticing after several weeks of using the intranasal glutathione is I don’t need as much carbidopa levodopa. I feel worse if I take my usual amount. Plus, I cannot do a 3 times daily regimen for the intranasal ....I have done well with 1-2 daily. And the dosing is a full 1 ml syringe, which seems to be too much, as I have trouble getting all of it in. I am thinking of trying 1/2 order, which should bring the cost down, right?
My question about this supplement is : does it help your body to produce more dopamine? Do any of you know?
@TexasRose1 I agree with your logic and there are other more economical routes for Glutathione on the horizon- such as nebulizer and nanoparticle liquid Glutathione. I now take oral Glutathione, under Mischley direction (500 mg, 2 per day) since I wasn’t willing to pay or live with constant Intranasal applications and the other methods are just starting testing / rolling out. I believe Glutathione is a precursor to Dopamine as well as a master antioxidant & mitochondrial booster (energy).
Amy, why not just take NAC?
Short answer: why take the precursor if you can get the real deal ? Given the challenges of GLUTATHIOINE administration however, NAC may very well win out. Thanks again for the article and the nudge
The Yack about NAC... Dr Frank Church (PhD) spells it out in layman’s terms with photos journeywithparkinsons.com/2...
The latest study indicates that NAC taken orally does not reach the brain.
Nasal spray glutathione sounds interesting!
For best research on intranasal GSH pls google Mischley and Glutathione. The proximity of nasal canal to brain appears to be related to the efficacy, whether or not it’s saline or saline + GSH. Of course, GSH shows better promise, however. I’ll read. Up on NAC some more. It’s a lot of work keeping “current”... sort of like chronic stress. Ugh. Help me keep it in check? Pace ourselves, right?
Ive been taking it since diagnosis, though nothing like 6000mg a day. What a waste🙁.
Perhaps I should try inhaling it cocaine style!
Heard nebulizing it is very effective. I already bought a nebulizer...just reading more on where to order the glutathione for this.
When I was prescribed intranasal glutathione it was in a multi use spray bottle. It came from Key Pharmacy in Seattle packed in dry ice.
I’m on 500mg Glutathione twice per day; intranasal syringes are most effective and in studies show crossing of BBB but it requires 3 applications per day with Head tilted back on table for several minutes each time for best results. Reference studies: Mischley, Laurie, Glutathione search publications On Google.
Hi, thanks for this information. You take 500 mg glutathione twice a day with intranasal syringes? Do you mind if I ask you questions?
Are you buying these syringes preprepared? Or are you are in your own?
What you dissolve it in? Just distilled water? Is anything else in the mixture?
What is the concentration of the glutathione (how much liquid do you use for those 500 mg)?
Look at IV to go.com . It is an oral version of glutathione that is advertised to have the same effect as the IV version, due to a type of cellular encapsulation that is absorbed into the cell itself....
I simply take JARROW Formulated GLUTATHIONE 500 mg 2 per day. Will switch to Swish30.com after I finish researching w their science team, lab, etc. Pricing is great if it really delivers!