I have just recently learned that some brands of fish oil capsules contain significant levels of D3 . I was taking as many as four or five capsules daily and each contained 2000 units of D3 . And I was experiencing increased leg weakness which I now suppose my calciferol levels were possibly higher than what is considered healthy if not borderline toxic.Some people surely can handle 8000 units Depending upon the season how much sunlight they are exposed to and how large they are in body mass I’m a small person and I mention this on this site just in case it is something of importance to someone else
D3/cholecalciferol and fish oil and possi... - Cure Parkinson's
D3/cholecalciferol and fish oil and possibly adverse effects

Seems like it would make sense to get your blood level checked to confirm your thinking. I take about 8000 units of D3 daily and my level is right in the midrange.
Take k2 as well? I think you are supposed to take it with D3?
No I have not been taken K2 But then I wasn’t intentionally supplementing D three. Thank you for the nudge I may try that someday
I think it is in fermented food and liver, cheese, egg yolk so you might get enough but if semi vegan you may not. It helps with the calcium processing.
Brain health
A vast majority of the vitamin K found in the human brain is vitamin K2. (14) Furthermore, vitamin K2 is specifically concentrated to be higher in myelinated regions, while vitamin K1 is more randomly distributed. (18) Vitamin K2 correlates with lipids in the brain called sulfatides, (19) and the decline of both is associated with age-related neurological degeneration. (20) Sulfatide levels in early Alzheimer’s patients are up to 93 percent lower than in healthy patients. (21, 22)
Vitamin K synergies
Vitamin K2, as with other vitamins and minerals, is best consumed as part of a nutrient-dense, whole-foods diet. Because vitamin K is fat soluble, it must be eaten with fat for best absorption. (40)
Vitamins A and D are both activated by vitamin K2, allowing them to bind calcium to do their jobs. Weston A. Price in the 1940s was the first to discover the synergy of these three vitamins, although at the time he referred to vitamin K2 as “Activator X,” since its true identity was unknown until 2007. He used a combination of cod liver oil, rich in vitamins A and D, and butter oil, rich in vitamin K2, to treat a variety of modern diseases.