Ibogaine update: I experimented with... - Cure Parkinson's

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Ibogaine update

RedwoodPark profile image
13 Replies

I experimented with ibogaine last year for about a month, but stopped taking it when I kept experiencing bizzare visual delayed trails. I was worried about this phenomenon, as I've had cataract surgery a couple of years ago and a small retinal issue, so I decided to stop taking it.

I decided last month to give it another go at it. I still get the visual trails, but they are only occasional and not increasing. They only happen early in the morning when I first wake up and late at night. As long as it doesn't get worse, I believe that it is something that I can deal with. Patient D tells me that he has similar visuals, but says that he sees smoke sometimes. The other guy I know taking it says that he's never had any visuals.

So I feel that ibogaine is the first substance that really helps my condition. I move better and quicker, have less rigidity, less dystonia. Overall it feels like it has toned my condition down and turned the clock backwards a year or so. I still get worn out by the end of the day. It might just be making the levadopa more effective, but this improvement is something I am super happy with. I just hope that it sustains and doesn't fade with time. I'm still taking the amount that I started with, which is 10 mg, twice a day.

Like thiamine, I think that ibogaine is something not to be ignored and can be beneficial to many of us. It would be ideal that the medical research community start to look at this substance to understand it better. I do have a bit of uneasiness about being a sort of guinea pig, but after talking with the two other persons that have been using it for more than two years without any issues, other than the visuals from one of them, I feel the benefit outweighs the possible unknown risks in this case.

It would be nice to hear some feedback from others that have tried it or are taking it currently.

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RedwoodPark profile image
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13 Replies
marcet profile image

i bought 20g and received 60 caps, so one cap is 330mg. I took one before breakfast for 10 days. No result. I took another one before lunch. No result but suddenly i couldn’t sleep at night. Very scary. I stopped. It took me more than 2 months to get some sleep back.

I wonder what the correct dose should be ?

RedwoodPark profile image
RedwoodPark in reply to marcet

Are you taking HCl? If so, you should start with 5 to 10 mg, twice a day only. I think the consensus so far is that HCl is the best form for us to take. I have sleep issues prior to taking ongoing and still have sleep issues unfortunately. Best to take it morning and early afternoon.

marcet profile image
marcet in reply to RedwoodPark


danfitz profile image
danfitz in reply to marcet

You aren’t taking either the HCL or the TA. You are taking the plant material. So you are not getting very much ibogaine. You should take either the HCL or the TA. My own experience is that the HCL is best.

Farooqji profile image

You are right. Ibogaine deserves more attention than B1

RedwoodPark profile image
RedwoodPark in reply to Farooqji

I'm not saying that it deserves more attention than thiamine. I'm saying that both substances need more attention in general and it would be great to see the medical research begin to take a serious look at both. When I explained to my neurologist that I was taking these, it just seemed to go in one ear and out the other. Then again I wasn't surprised. I imagine that's why we're mostly on this forum to begin with...seeking more clarity than we're hearing in the doctor's office.

kgold profile image

I'm curious as to where you are buying the ibogaine. My husband started it in June. In early July I ordered more from the original supplier. Right after the reorder my husband started to get headaches. The supplier suggested he stop for a few weeks. Sadly, the new order did not arrive until very late August. Which meant my husband was off it for 8 weeks (headache eventually went away). We switched to B1 because we can't take the uncertainty of when we will get the ibogaine. In the three weeks he was using it (around 10 mg/day), his toe curling stopped and he seemed to be walking straighter. I now have the 2 grams we ordered which he may restart in the future depending on the B1, which he has also shown some minor improvement with. Sorry if this sounds a bit incoherent. I'm still waking up.

RedwoodPark profile image
RedwoodPark in reply to kgold

The batch I have is actually a year and a half old. So I know the stuff has a good shelf life. I also know that there is lots of variability out there, so I feel you have to see if the supplier has had quality testing on each batch they get in. The place I got it from had many issues from their sources in Africa, until they reached a more quantified supplier to them. So I would check with your supplier about this and their past experiences. And I would recommended only using HCl form.

janers profile image

Could you please share the website or email from the source you are getting it from?

danfitz profile image
danfitz in reply to janers

Ibogaine has been classified as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the US so it is difficult to obtain. If you order it you should expect delays and odd packaging or labeling and not complain.


I have been taking ibogaine hcl for just over a year and have had no ill side effects. I'm taking 40 mg daily. I'm going to try cutting back to 20mg/day and see how that works.

Ibogaine definitely has a cumulative effect, so one should not expect immediate results.

My symptoms were severe right side tremors in my arm and foot. I was also experiencing my voice cracking, anxiety and 'getting stuck'. For the first 9 years after dx I handled the PD with a combination of Sinemet and mucuna. Then it became obvious that the dopamine 'honeymoon' was coming to an end when various dyskinesia began to show up. That's when I started the ibogaine. Since starting the ibogaine I have been able to cut back on my overall levodopa by about 20%. Now I experience few mild symptoms, mostly occasional tremor in my right foot when I'm under some stress. I also have very little brain fog and have a lot more energy for getting out and working.

Hope this helps.

Gypsyzebra profile image

Hi RedwookPark!

What do you think about combining both - High dosage thiamine therapy and Igogaine therapy at the same time?

I have been taking 20 mg in AM and have not had any visual issues thus far. It’s hard to say if it has helped on its own or in addition to the other supplements such as Thiamine and vinpocetine.

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