This is good bye for now. Posting Dr Ma... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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This is good bye for now. Posting Dr Marty Hinz interview videos regarding Amino Acid Therapy and PD is the last straw for me.

Bailey_Texas profile image
38 Replies

If you do any research on Marty Hinz any person with a open mind will fine he is a QUACK. This site has a place for promoting alternative ways of treating PD. It has become a Doctor bashing, prescribed med hating place. It also promotes the false term "big pharma" which is a conspiracy theory at best.

It is not a good place for people to seek out help.

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Bailey_Texas profile image
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38 Replies

I am concerned about the "moderators" after seeing this link:

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to

What is your concern?

in reply to MBAnderson

I am concerned that a renowned quack is being taken seriously by the person who posted the youtube link, and the false hope being given in other posts to people who are encouraged to believe that cannabis might help PD people There is no real evidence that cannabis in any form can help with PD. There is a case, perhaps, for pain relief and other conditions, but not for PD, and I have seen some obviously faked videos promoting cannabis for PD. One person has simply turned off his DBS. People have also been fooled by the coconut oil stories as well. Is nobody having a hard look at false hope stories? Without a decent moderator who has principles, an online forum can become a magnet for those who enjoy blood sports such as online bullying.

kgold profile image
kgold in reply to

Regarding cannabis, my husbands' movement disorders MD has said that cannabis definitely helps pwp's. She has had patients who grew there own and it definitely worked for their tremors. Just thought I'd pass that along.

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to

When I questioned my neurologist about cannabis, he replied that he had a patient with PD who "cured herself" with marijuana, however when I asked for details the response was that he didn't know.

in reply to faridaro

Some people also believe that Parkinson's Org is promoting the use of cannabis, but the website conclusion is that:


Cannabis, the marijuana plant, contains more than a hundred different psychoactive chemicals, which have complex effects. Products derived from cannabis may vary widely in terms of their benefits and side effects.

There is currently no conclusive scientific research supporting the benefits of cannabis for any aspect of Parkinson’s. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis may help pain, sleep, appetite, nausea and anxiety. People with Parkinson’s should especially be aware of side effects such as confusion and low blood pressure that may exacerbate PD symptoms.

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to

Hi PDman,

Dr Mary Newport, respected paediatrician, brought her husband back from Alzheimer's using coconut oil. She has been interviewed on the topic frequently.

in reply to M1tz1

M1tz1, I know the story well. have you seen this link:

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to

Thank you, PDman. I had not seen your post and I feel sad about Steve Newport. The strange thing is that not very long ago THIS YEAR there was an updated version of the online series Awakening from Alzheimer's, and Dr Newport told her story again without mentioning that Steve had died or that she had changed her mind. Sad. I wouldn't say that positive responses to her claims fall into the 'man didn't go the moon' category :-) because her lecture was part of a programme incorporating board-certified and successful neurologists like Drs Bredesen and Perlmutter, both of whom advocate a high-fat low-carb diet in which coconut oil can have a place. Alzheimer's, they explained, is a lifestyle disease and recovery from its diverse effects depends on multiple strategies.

in reply to M1tz1

I am cynical enough to suspect that she avoided revealing that Steve had died, or that his AL returned before he died, because she is making money from repeating her claims, and that making money may be her primary motive. I will not even begin to vent about the high-fat low-carb diet. Didn't Dr Atkins die of a heart attack? We have ptyalin in our saliva so that the digestion of starch can begin in the mouth when we are chewing our starchy food such as grains. This is an example of genetic blue print. The use of grains such as wheat in the human diet has now been pushed back to 300,000 years by science. The subject of "paleo" may cause me to have a heart attack, so I will stop my rant now.

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to

Dr Atkins slipped on ice, fell on his head and died of a subdural hematoma. He was at least 80 yrs old.

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to bassofspades

My bad, he was 72 years old

in reply to bassofspades

I stand corrected, he did die after hitting his head. Now I remember the link to his heart issues, a medical report issued by the New York medical examiner's office a year after his death showed that Atkins had a history of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension. See:

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to

I just read that dr Atkins coronaries were clean and his cardiomyopathy was of viral origin

in reply to bassofspades

Wow! Are you suggesting that the New York medical examiner's office would just make a statement like that without any evidence? My bad, your source must be correct, did you read it in an Atkins diet book? What is your source?

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to

This is my source for what it's worth! Idk

in reply to bassofspades

It confirms that his widow and her supporters consider that the New York medical examiner's records should never have been released. The truthfulness of the notes is not really challenged. The suggestion simply is that it was improper to release them. A history of heart attacks suggests heart scar tissue and congestive heart failure and hypertension would not apply if the unnamed physician and the unnamed cardiologist were correct. They remain unnamed for obvious reasons.

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to

I hope you're not right about Dr Newport, PDman. Maybe she was embarrassed about her previous stance in view of the outcome and didn't know how to retract.

in reply to M1tz1

Embarrassed or not, she should let morality be her guide.

in reply to

Just a thought to consider, the wheat that is grown today is very different from the wheat our ancestors ate. Eating the wheat of today with the rational that our ancestors ate it therefore does not hold up unfortunately. Very sad and disappointing about Dr. Mary Newport. That said, MCT oil is backed by science to help the brain.

Lucal profile image

I agree with you that there is not such thing as big Pharma. But ive more Faith then you in people judgment. So not scared about any kind of info.

MBAnderson profile image

I'm sorry you're having a bad day. On many occasions, you've sought and received help yourself and have given help, so you know it's a good place. I'm certain my health is better because of HU. I, for one, wish you'd stay.

Whether you call it a conspiracy or not is just a matter of semantics. It's well documented that many of the biggest pharmaceutical companies routinely operate in bad faith and are deceptive with the public. Be that as it may, there's a lot of people on this forum and that necessarily means you hear a wide variety of opinions. We ought to be able to tolerate people disagreeing with us.

Quacks live among us. So what. They serve a useful purpose. They separate fools from their money and there's nothing worse than a rich fool.

Enidah profile image

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Bailey. I just read the heading on the posts and if it looks like malarkey, in my opinion, I delete it. There's no reason to read it if it isn't helpful for me. Yes, we have been a little inundated with alternative mindset treatment options of late. But things tend to ebb and flow in life and it's always interesting to see what comes up next. I remember at one point it was, coconut oil coconut oil coconut oil. We all want the same thing ultimately... a solution!

Enidah profile image

Reading about him Mr Hinz sounds like your typical snake oil salesman, running his rannygazoo for sure.

Nitro53 profile image

No reason to leave. Just ignore the stuff you know with common sense is bull💩

faridaro profile image

Bailey, according to some estimates taking prescribed medications is the 4th leading cause of death among Americans and I think this might be a reason that people look for alternatives to pharmaceuticals. Personally, I love doctors (my mother was a physician), but I don't trust them because growing up I've heard all kinds of stories, good and bad, and my mother's favorite saying was "patient heal thyself" - may be because she always had a long waiting list of patients to see her :)

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to faridaro

Indeed so.

When Good Doctors Prescribe Bad Medicine:

A striking feature of modern medicine is the debilitating and lethal consequences of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which rank as one of the top 10 causes of death and illness in the developed world


With an estimated 2 to 4 million serious injuries each year, drug therapy stands as one of the most significant perils to health resulting from human activity.


833,076 adverse drug events reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during 2014. …Although drug adverse effects are estimated to account for 100,000 to 200,000 patient deaths and 1 to 2 million hospitalizations each year

[O]ne in every five [new drugs] eventually caused enough serious harm in patients to warrant a severe warning or withdrawal from the market

bassofspades profile image

You may think Dr Hinz and Dr Costantini are quacks and you're entitled to think whatever you want, but they sure helped me and thousands of others. Bye bye.

Ralphsr profile image
Ralphsr in reply to bassofspades

How did they help you. And how do you know they helped "thousands of others"? and BTW, what is/was your condition?

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to Ralphsr

See my post here where i go into great detail about how it helped me.

It is a fact that hinz has helped thousands, hes been doing this for years. And Costantini as well, thousands.

Toogood profile image
Toogood in reply to bassofspades

Agree...delete if you don’t like a post..or bypass it..

park_bear profile image

I debunked Marty Hinz here:

He is also an MD, so calling him a "quack" is doctor bashing.

"why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

bassofspades profile image

All that there is to Hinz protocol is mucuna, cysteine and 5-htp with co factors. No snake oil. This is stuff that works. And i never ever recommend anything that did not work for myself first.

M1tz1 profile image

Dear Bailey,

I am not sure whether you will receive these responses to your saying you are leaving us. Please don't be angry. I'd like to mention that people who are members of HU are here because they need help. We are not all scientists, doctors or researchers-- and most of us don't have the time to undertake research. Indeed, when we see those 'magic' letters 'Dr' in front of a name, we are confident that the speaker--or writer--is qualified to know what he or she is talking about and is talking about what he or she knows. We take such utterances on trust. We can't assume that every professional title should be regarded with suspicion.

I do hope you'll stay.

Harleybob08 profile image

The key ingredient in the Hinz protocol is levodopa, just the same as Sinemet et all. The rest of it is harmless, unlike pharma products.

I am doing well on it, and can not recall anyone complaining. You are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water. This is a great site with no prejudice, more power to their elbow.

rebtar profile image

Bailey -- thanks for all of your contributions to HU. This site has been very helpful to me personally, I don't agree with everything that's posted, but people are entitled to their opinions and to trying what they think may work for them. I personally know a couple of people who are doing well on the Hinz Protocol, for the time being I haven't wanted to go that route. Postings on exercise, including yours, have been very encouraging. I've learned a lot from posts on different supplements. I understand your concern that desperate folks (which most of us are at some point) may want to jump at any possibility, but doctors don't all agree either, so it really is up to each of us to make the most informed decisions we can for our health and wellbeing. I hope you stay...

dreem profile image

not everything works for everyone! I dont know of anything that cures PD, but I have found help with the symptoms.

FMundo profile image

I join the chorus of people here saying "Bailey" don't leave !" You are a major contributor and many people benefit from your comments.

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