To those of you on Mannitol NOT taking Parkinson meds, do you see improvement? If so, how long and what improvement did you get? Thank you in advance, need a bit of encouragement...
Are you taking Mannitol? : To those of you... - Cure Parkinson's
Are you taking Mannitol?

It eliminated my internal tremor, restored my sense of smell and helped me sleep better. And obviously eliminated constipation. I take it with Coconut oil, Curcumin and (now) PQQ (in coffee though I am ambivalent whether coffee helps or hinders). Note am at the early stages of Parkinson's (see my profile).
how much mannitol do you take and how many times a day?
Thank you for your reply Alexask. Since there is no one else responding, we can probably think Mannitol works mostly for those taking PD meds. You are maybe an exception to the rule.
If anyone has had positive results using it without PD meds, please feel free to write it down in this post later on: it would be usefull to confirm or infirm the info. Thank you.
I think it is more likely to just work on a sub-set of Parkinson's patients. It might depend on the type and cause of Parkinson's that you have. And/or it may help with other supplements that are being taken.
Absolutely. I wish there was a way to gather and analyse type of PD, and so on, from people saying they had benefits from Mannitol on this Website...
I know several members wrote about great benefits but their history of PD type, meds, etc is often not listed in their profile and reading their posts or replies and gathering the info is almost impossible.
I know CliniCrowd is working on it but it will be a while.
Too bad because the precious info IS available, hidden somewhere in the posts...
Clinicrowd is 👍🏻
I use a tablespoon w coffee ☕️ and some w tea later in the day. Low dose Selegiline seems to reduce arm tremor and improve swing & gait on effected side. I attribute returned sense of smell (and maybe more, to be determined) to mannitol x 4 months.