Has anyone been prescribed Prozac/Fluoxetine for anxiety in PD? I am not depressed but I am permanently anxious and any unexpected stress puts me into panic mode. On the suggestion of my neurologist I started 20mg per day of Prozac this week, but since my full blown panic attacks have been unpredictable I am not sure how effectiveness of the drug can be measured. I notice that other PwP have been prescribed Lorazepam/Ativan. I would be interested to hear of experience of either drug for the treatment of anxiety in PwP without depression.
Prozac/Fluoxetine v Lorazepam/Ativan - Cure Parkinson's
Prozac/Fluoxetine v Lorazepam/Ativan

A friend, that does not have PD, has been taking Prozac for over 20 yrs and it has definitely helped her. It usually takes 3 weeks to totally do it's thing. I take Xanex occasionally, it takes affect in about 15 minutes and it takes the edge off & it helps me sleep better. I try to keep drugs to a minimum so, as I said, I take it occasionally.
I take Lexapro, which is an SSRI, the same as Prozac. I don't know which one is better, so far Lexapro is fine for me. I also take Xanax when absolutely necessary and as laglag said, it helps with sleep. I am slowly cutting down on coffee, as I think every little bit helps when it comes to anxiety. Also, I am always looking for ways to reduce the stress of my daily life. The best thing I found so far is exercise. Getting out in nature and walking. Getting really tired and sweaty. Haha, sounds so attractive.
I take prozak and xanex and percocets for pain
Why do I fall asleep while wide awake. I do this sitting at home and while driving sometimes I like jerk awake sometimes before I fall or driving in other lane or when I run off the road
My friend you should not be driving whilst you are susceptible to these sorts of attacks.
You don't need Prozac if your not depressed. Most of the anti depressant only work for a while if they work at all and all of them can have nasty side effects. I know, I've been treated for depression for over 20 years and after trying 28 different ones gave up. 60% of people anti depressant don't work for. As far as anxiety which I have also battled they recommend Alprazolam or Ativan for PD. I used Clonazepam as it has a longer half life and its the same stuff. Be careful though because benzodiazepines are highly additive and coming off them if you have used for a while is detox hell. Again, I know
That’s interesting. My PD movement specialist is the one who recommended Prozac for anxiety, not depression. I didn’t have the chance to question his choice at the last appointment but my GP backed him. I have a PD friend who takes Lorazepam on an as needed basis recommend by the same doctor so I do intend to ask about the drug decision process.
Hi Jeansm, I have been battling anxiety all of my life. About 15 years ago the doctor gave me Prozac. I thought it strange, because I never have had a problem with depression. I guess a lot of these drugs have dual uses. Anyway, after about 3 to 4 weeks I felt so much better and I haven't had any side effects at all. My anxiety is gone. I've heard that it stops working after a while. It is still working well for me and I can't tell you what a relief it is not to have to take any of the Benzo's. While I know that everyone is different, I promise Prozac is worth a try. Good luck.