Has anyone else read the news about the availability now of an FDA-approved drug, Xadago? A brief article in AARP's latest newsletter announced that Xadago is now available to PWP. I haven't talked to my neurologist about this as I'm between appointments, but I would like to know if anyone is using/considering using this new drug?
New FDA-approved Drug Xadago: Has anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
New FDA-approved Drug Xadago

I have been eager to start using it and my neuro agreed and prescribed it for me. But my medicare insurance refused to cover it since it is very expensive.
This proves Roy's statement right according to which once you are into the levedopa based drugs, it is just like sinking in a quagmire. To compensate for the wearing off , you add on other drugs gradually and then you are caught in a vicious circle. I predict that another drug will follow soon which will be used when Xadago will begin to wear off. Good flourishing business for big Pharma!
Surely we need more drugs as our bodies produce less and less dopamine.
I'm not keen on all the meds but I'm really glad someone invented azilect and madapor!
Thanks, but my sentiments are that I'm grateful for all the drugs I take because they give me a quality of life otherwise impossible. Of course I'd rather not be taking them but I haven't found an effective, safe alternative to them so far.
I'm into 'gratitude is the attitude' and hope that new and better drugs are somewhere in the pipeline.
My wife has tried xadango about 1 year ago when it first became available in Europe, but unfortunately without any benefits... same as azilect maybe somewhat stronger, that what she said,but she has atypical PD without tremors...