HI Friends, I am curious about getting overdosed on C/L,so I am all you non tremor dominant PWP to use your experience to weigh in on this question. It seems like ,one can easily ingest too much of this drug,in a bid to function by all means.Thanks in advance for your response.

It is tricky as we are all different. Keep a diary and start with 1 tab x 3 times a day and increase if you feel you need to depending on symptoms. Bear in mind that sometimes we all have bad days because of a bad sleep or stress so look on your progress over about 3-4 days and increase if you feel 1 is not enough. After 7 years Im on 1.5 7 times a day. I dont take B1 and other vitamins as well. Wish you well.
I am not tremor dominant and can only tolerate tiny amounts of levodopa. More than that makes motor impairment worse rather than better.
Hi OREOLU: I'm not tremor dominant and I take 4 tabs of C/L 25/100 per day (at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm) and one tab of C/L 50/200 ER at night. I was diagnosed last October and started C/L only this past February. I was reluctant to increase the dose so quickly but I'm doing really well. I seem to need this much to keep down the terrible aches and stiffness I otherwise feel. Without the right C/L dose, I found myself unable to exercise consistently and vigorously. Now I can do much more. As you know, we're all so different -- but I hope this helps with your info gathering!
I am 11 years in, 5 on c/l and am very sensitive to it. I take three to four 10/100mg tabs daily. I do not take any at night because I suffer from dyskinesia with very small doses.
I'm five years since diagnosis, on 2x 25/100 four times a day, doesn't seem to do a lot for me but if I cut it back I feel anxious, unwell.
Hi grower, if you don't get much from your c/l drug,why not tell your doctor for some kind of adjustment.
Dr seems to think that I'm just one of those people it doesn't help much. Also since I'm on 2 tabs 3x day that's pretty high already. I have stiff body, expressionless face and bradykenesia (plus the non-physical symptoms cognitive, anxious, sleepless etc) but not the very debilitating symptoms some have.
My husband is non tremor dominant and has not altered his C/L dose since he was diagnosed 5 years ago. Takes either 3 or 4 100/25 Modopar during the day. When Neuro advised about putting dose up my husband was reluctant as he already was getting dyskinesia. Added in Rasigiline and now Amantadine at low dose and he now has less dyskinesia. He has taken B1 for over a year plus other supplements and seems to be doing OK. Some days he forgets to take a dose of C/L as he doesn’t go on and off. Since lock down walking much more now up to 3 miles a day. Just started taking bio Kult mind will update on progress.
Hi Zella23. Sounds like your husband is doing great. What's bio Kult mind.