I just heard about Glutathione supplements for pd. I was wondering if anyone in this site has any info? Thank you.
Glutathione supplements: I just heard about... - Cure Parkinson's
Glutathione supplements

You can do a search on it here and you'll find plenty.
Your question prompted me to scan through previous threads on glutathione. The only bit of information I did not see mentioned is that lemon verbena might enhance glutathione cycling (but note that these studies were done in healthy subjects using lemon verbena to enhance recovery from exercise):
The latest clinical trial funded by MJFF produced incoclusive results as both groups, PD and Placebo, experienced improvements.
Phase IIb Study of Intranasal Glutathione in Parkinson’s Disease
Last April, our FM doctor at Cleveland prescribed intranasal glutathione. My husband stopped it a few months ago when he started NAC. Think we will start intranasal glutathione again.
Please tell me how to get it
This is the one she prescribed. Good luck!
Thanks for posting this, however, that isn't intranasal. It says, "Take 2 pumps by mouth twice daily. " I'm not sure you would want to be taking Liposomal Glutathione in your nose, anyway.
I have read that glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants so that would be the rationale for using it. Glutamine is needed to make it in the body and bone broth is a rich source.
Hi. I tried this but it made me very dizzy so I stopped.
NAC, alpha-lipoic acid, milk thistle all contribute to natural glutathione production I believe
That's true. I use glutathione made by Quicksilver. It is a pump and requires refrigeration
Remember the glutathione is broken down my stomach acid. So don’t bother with tablets. You can get it in a gel form that is also liposomal that protects it from the acid. it’s in a big tube and I have some that is orange flavored that is quite good. I switched it around and hold it in my mouth for two minutes before I swallow it. I have not noticed it help my drama very much but I know that it is a very good antioxidant and have friends that say that it has helped him with many health issues The intranasal makes sense I have not tried it.
I mean it does not help my tremor much, Or my drama ha ha
Citrate / citric acid, in addition to preventing the formation of oxalate crystals, can increase glutathione:
Lemons contain a lot of citrate; people with calcium oxalate kidney stones often drink a lot of lemonade / lemon water to help dissolve them.
My husband takes a gel/paste - liposomal glutathione with the precursor NAC capsule. Helps with both Lyme Disease and PD. Recommended by his lyme doctor - not the neurologist (who doesn't believe in supplements at all).
Would you please tell me the brand name for gel. I have hard time to find a good product....
Both the Stram Integrative Center in Delmar NY and my primary care doctor state that Researched Nutritionals - the Tri-Fortify Watermelon (orange to many people tasted horrible) -Liposomal Glutatione - GMO free - however recently Researched Nutritionals will only sell through Health Care Professionals. My primary care doctor had an account with them but it lapsed. Now I get from my integrative doctor. See what you can find; I'm told this brand is the best.