Does anyone take this, either by pill or by injection? What are the benefits you have seen, if any? Would u think it safe to consult an alternative medicine doctor for more in depth info if neurologist only suggests same prescription meds as others with PWP? We all know each person has their own issues with PWP.
Glutathione: Does anyone take this, either... - Cure Parkinson's

Recently we. had a discussion about glutathione, if you do a search for it it should come up with a lot of input by members of this list. Also there was an interesting Michael study on nasal spray glutathione
If you are on the homepage click on the heading MORE and it's going to open up and show SEARCH and click on search and put glutathione in
boyce3600 are you using your cell phone or a computer? If it is the cell phone after you click on a link that you want to print share download look at the upper right hand corner there are going to be three vertical dots click and then you are going to have many choices what to do with the article
I am taking NAC which helps your body make glutathione which cannot be taken in pill form I gather as it doesn't cross into the blood. It has been around 10 weeks now and most of the time my symptons are essentially gone, including that awful tense feeling. My brain is also much better - no struggling for words and I can remember a phone number from a Google search long enough to dial it!
Downside is dry mouth and sleepy in the early evening. Fall asleep as soon as I sit down to watch TV. I also take azilect.
I think it's worth a try.
Hi Astra7. I take some NAC and some precursors for it and I resemble your observations about the change it has made in you. We are doing something right. Yay!
I started to reply but it got erased where do you get the NAC and what do you mean by precursors to it
Swanson's Vitamins. They sell a product that has what the body needs (precursors) to make its own glutathione.
Can you please tell me the name of the product that you buy from Swanson's also what is NAC
Glutathione Precursor Complex. NAC is short for N-Acetyl-L Cysteine.
Thank you, Does any one know why Neuros get mad when you mention the word "Supplements" They don't believe on it, I've changed two Neuros they don't listen to my suggestions, does any body lives in Chicago that wants to share her/his good Neuro pleaseeeee!!! let me know, I can't take it anymore
It will take a bit of reading to fully understand why this attitude is pervasive among MDs. The short answer is they are propagandized with false negative information about supplements and false positive information about prescription drugs. Details:
Start here:, then go here:
More here:
and here:
Thank you for the websites lots of info. I was reading your post from last year, about withdrawals from Dopamine Angonist, I've taken Requip XL 12mg for almost 10/11 years now, I recently saw a new neuro, who doubts that I have PD??? he said that he is 50/50% not sure weather it is or not. He wants me to go for a PET MRI?? (does anybody knows what it is) he mentioned something about how much Dopamine I have. I read and I read about my symptoms which are a left side tremor of which it was controlled with Requip so neuro said it is imposible to have PD for almost 11 yrs and not look like I do minimal symptoms. anticholgunate (don't know right spelling) up to a few months ago when I stop taken Requip cold turkey, but ever since I haven't seen the light, I get spells of crying, I can barley walk it feels like my legs are give in, I fracture my right ankle in May 2016 but it hasn't heal right so now I don't know how to put the puzzle back, a few years ago I tested positive for Sjlogner's syndrome, I am totally confused. Please help, any comments, opinions, advice. Thank you.
OMG! You should not stop taking a Dopamine Agonist cold turkey. Did your neuro ask you to do this?
"First, do no harm" means if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. If you were doing fine on Requip then it should not have been changed. There are other patients on this board who have not suffered progression. If you are miserable now that you are off Requip the message is clear - you need to get back on it. If you can't get co-operation form this neuro find one who will.
Thank You so much for responding to my post right away, does a PD patient has to be on a Dopamine Agonist? I was on taking the max on Requip XL 12mg 2xday so the Neuro lowered to 4mg 1xday but I still have lot of left of 12mg so right now I am only on Trihexyphenidyl 2mg 3x day and Lorazepan 0.5 mg my neuro asked why wasn't I on Cardoba/levodopa I told him I wanted to hold on to it, he said I don't understand why patients want to hold on to they are 70 yrs to start no, he said they should start now when you can enjoy life not when you are 70 yrs old. Please is there out there someone with similar situation as mine please respond.
The idea that carbidopa/levodopa ("C/L") causes susceptibility to dyskinesias has been refuted. Patients in Ghana who did not have access to this medication were subject to dyskinesias at the same rate as patients who did take C/L. So our neuro is right on this matter. As long as our own neurons are producing enough dopamine, self-regulation of dopamine levels is possible. When these neurons are lost we become vulnerable to dyskinesias from added dopamine.
It is not at all necessary for a PD patient to be on a dopamine agonist. I personally had a bad experience with one and am doing fine without.
OK so I've found glutathione spray on amazon but it's not a misting nasal spray which I understand is best way so I assume I will get an empty nasal spray bottle and fill that with the liquid. Is that how others are doing it or can you actually buy it in nasal spray form?
I take L-glutathione plus from Theranaturals and use it in a nebulizer.
I am not aware of a nasal glutathione trial underway right now but I read a recently completed (scanned the approx 100-page trial) and could not make any conclusions as a result of this lengthy document which I found poorly written and vague. I emailed the Dr who lead the study and she said I should ask my neurologist, which I did. He said he read the trial and also could not conclude anything. He was unaware of any current trial for gluathione (intranasal). Here is an excerpt from MJFF "Final Outcome" of the first two studies:
In the brain, glutathione (GSH) is essential for clearing cellular and environmental waste and eliminating free radicals. Three decades of research suggests that individuals with PD have reduced levels of GSH that contributes to progression of the disease. A Phase I study of intranasal GSH, (in)GSH, demonstrated a mild symptomatic improvement that was not seen in the placebo group. This Phase IIb study was designed to determine whether symptomatic improvements in the first intranasal (in) GSH study are reproducible. The secondary aim was to identify outcome measures to use in future trials. As in the Phase I study, (in)GSH was given for three months and participants were observed for a month after treatment. All groups improved over their baseline PD scores. As in the Phase I study, the high-dose group had an approximate 4-point improvement in PD severity score, as measured by the Unified PD Rating Scale (UPDRS), a benefit not seen in the lower-dose group. Unlike the previous study, the improvements seen in the placebo group were three times as robust, with the placebo group benefiting equally as the high-dose group. The unusually strong and sustained placebo response deserves further study. As there is no convincing evidence that (in)GSH results in a measurable symptomatic effect over placebo, future research efforts should focus on the capacity of (in)GSH to slow PD progression rather than its effects on symptoms."
I have posted, as others have, about NAC and the clinical trials going on right now in Philly. I'd encourage you to visit those posts which includes the dosage for the current trial underway. Note current trial includes injections and pill form of NAC but NAC pills are easily obtained online. Personally, I am not yet able to get to the full dosage (nausea) but I have started half the dosage at night. Love to hear from others on both glutathione and NAC.
Makes one wonder what they used for placebo. There is a case where cranberry failed in a trial to prevent UTI because the placebo arm did better than expected. Turned out the placebo arm was getting red colored vitamin C to imitate the taste of cranberry, and vitamin C helps prevent UTI.
The last sentence in Mischley's study is a great synopsis ..."As there is no convincing evidence that (in)GSH results in a measurable symptomatic effect over placebo, future research efforts should focus on the capacity of (in)GSH to slow PD progression (not treat symptoms)"... since the 2014 study, however, it seems there is movement towards using (in)GSH to slow progression albeit without evidence.
I tried glutathione intraveinously with no visible results.
Just joined, but if you're still interested in glutathione info, I took it intranasally 4-5 years ago. It was a prescription made by a Seattle compounding pharmacy, prescribed by Laurie Mischley who was my ND at the time. I took it for the better part of a year and did not notice any change. I also took it in capsule form (Apex Glutathione Recycler) for a year subsequently and did not notice any change. I tried the intranasal again for a while with no change.
Have u tried subcutaneous injection of GSH?
I’m on it now. Consultation w Mischley resulted in rec for intranasal GSH however I have a local MD(psychiatrist) that Rx injection over nasal spray which I desire.
Have you surrendered on NAC / NAD / &/or GSH completely , Juliegrace?
I take NAC orally, 1000mg daily. I'm not sure I can handle another injection. I do three IM injections a week. This is the first I've heard of glutathione in a subcutaneous injection. I know I won't do IV. How often do you take it?
I now take Glutathione subcutaneous injections 3/4 times weekly.
What IM injections are you on?
Do you see a definitive improvement that you attribute directly to the subcutaneous injections?
Where do you inject? Years ago when I saw Laurie Mischley, her stance was that IV glutathione (no one was doing subcutaneous) would go to the major organs before it got to the brain. That is why she did all the research on intranasal. Have you had any before and after testing of your levels?
Hi JulieGrace! 1. I inject in fatty tissue, rotating sites. 2. My glutathione is in high range, and I am pending another check after using subcutaneous injections Rx by my local psychiatrist. High circulating levels do not equate w brain levels however, so I am guarded with optimism. 3.Thanks for answering about your injections - I was curious.
I have seen glutathione rectal suppositories advertised online by Zeptil. Don't know recommended protocol
Now that's interesting. Just when u think u have heard it all...