I have started taking these tablets since reading all your positive post. The problem I am having is swallowing them they are so large in have to bite them into tiny pieces . Does anyone else have this problem
Thiamine tablet size: I have started taking... - Cure Parkinson's
Thiamine tablet size

Takes practice. I also had difficulty. Now I line up the tablet on back of my tounge, roll it around to get it lubricated, then drink water.

I will try at the moment I dissolve in hot water with a bit of manuka honey

Which thiamine tablet are you all taking? I got my thiamine in bulk, $85 for a kilogram, then discovered I can only pack .4 g into a 00 capsule. It is easy enough to get down, but having to take five each morning and night is a lot. Even worse it is a lot of capsules to hand manufacture. So I got a jig for making 400 at a time coming to me from China. One thing leading to another.
The original idea was to mix the powder with something and take it without capsules, but I discovered it is far too bitter to do that.
Wrote my husbands Movement Disorder doc at JH a long email and included "should my husband be taking any of the B vitamins, B1, B6, B12? No answer on that just..... let's try increasing his Rytary from 6 a day to 8 - 2 at each meal and 2 at bedtime. I guess he is trying to get his PD under control to what dose of meds help before he introduces anything else. Trying to get him on anxiety meds too but he said not yet. I thought for sure the B vitamins would be ok. Sigh
Doctors are propagandized to believe that prescription meds can do no harm in that supplements can do no good. Many, perhaps most, of them buy it. Do not expect your MD to support your use of supplements.
That said, if your MD has a specific reason to forbid the use of a specific supplement that should be listened to.
Try swallowing each tablet with one or two jumbo blueberries!
Lubricate the tablet or capsule with saliva and somebody suggested this, from this list, put your chin to your neck and then swallow with water. I know it's kind of counter-intuitive but it really works
Yes, the "common-sense approach," tilting the head back, opens up the airway, and increases the chance of the pill going down the wrong tube.
Best way to swallow tablets or capsules:
I might be bragging here but i swallow 4 thiamine 500mg plus 2 mucuna, 2 nac, 1 egcg and 1 neuro replete all at one time with water. But im not saying its easy!
I had anterior cervical fusion surgery several months ago and am still having trouble swallowing pills. I wanted to start these but am afraid they'll be too big.
How about splitting them with a pill cutter. My husband started taking B complex, mainly for the Thiamine, and it has helped him a lot. He is finally gaining some weight.
Parkie 13 is on to it. By tucking your chin in the way Parkie describes you are actually creating a straight tube for the passage of anything you want to swallow. It works 100% of the time. Another method is to eat a banana and insert the pill into the mass of masticated fruit. Then swallow the mass. That works too, but I now prefer Parkie's method. I always use it and never have swallowing problems. But all this assumes you don't have structural issues with your food pipe.
im not sure what im hearing have any of you heard of having injectable thiamine ,its much better for you as well.
But I have no one to administer it
yes you have your doctor connie.
I see you live in Australia they must be more broad minded over there but there is no way a doctor would administer that here. My GP definately wouldn't.
here going to doctors is free hospitals are free will be getting it done next week all free..i have tennis elbow as well i will be getting an cortizone injection on monday free cortizone as well.
This from parkinsons.org.uk after my optimistic post there on thiamine:
"The Costantini study lasted just two months and the effect of the injections was detected after 1 month. To me that suggests thiamine is increasing the acute effect of L-DOPA… So it is possible it adds to the oxidative stress of DOPA and so might speed up loss of the remaining live neurones. I dont see any evidence for neuroprotection.
However thiamine is essential for brain glucose metabolism and its uptake may be impaired in the elderly at gut, bbb and into oxidatively stressed neurones. Perhaps it is worth trying as an enhanced supplement over the 1.5mg pd in mutivitlamin pill. I doubt it will have much effect on neuroprotection its own, but as part of a cocktail of endogenous metabolites it might improve mitochondria .The Wahls Protocol uses such a cocktail, mine is similar.
More reading needed before I decide about adding a modest amount of thiamine to mine cocktail…"
Since I am not on levedopa yet, and can't say I have experienced a magic bullet effect of this I am thinking of reducing my dosage of this - I will give it a couple of weeks more.
Really need to get back on a low carb diet. The problem is that people at work keep on bringing in cakes and chocs and I fool myself into thinking that one more can't impact when patently it is.