I was just ferreting around Janice Hadlock Walton's PD Recovery site. Blimey, talk about damnation! The site declares that the organisation refuses to consider anybody as a 'patient' who's taken the slightest amount of Levadopa for more than 3 weeks as essentially this small ingestion buggers their brain up irrefutably and the protocol they offer never works effectively on such people. I wasn't actually considering joining up but I feel quite 'tainted' by this strong standpoint. Does anybody have any insights into the rationale of this declaration and/or disagree with their opinion? There do seem to be some cases of PWP who had the disease and went on levodopa, only to successfully turn things around, so I guess that JHW can't be right (Bianca Molle, John Coleman), but I feel disturbed by the declaration.
Talk about Doom and Gloom!: I was just... - Cure Parkinson's
Talk about Doom and Gloom!

She has that very severe warning, never explains it very clearly. Except that you can be left high and dry without being able to use levodopa in the future.. Did you get that same understanding?
She is not to be taken seriously. Last March I experienced a rapid improvement my condition. I dropped my levodopa dosage by two thirds without any problem whatsoever. I experimented with no levodopa at all and only experienced annoying tremor, but none of the dire problems she alleges.
What caused the rapid improvement?
Qigong, It takes a lot of dedication and there are no guarantees. That said, it is working for me. My story here: healthunlocked.com/parkinso...
I practiced it for three hours a day under the direction of Bianca for eighteen months, but achieved no progress sadly. Exercise, on the other hand, has helped. I wish you continued success to complete recovery.
Park Bear, I know I ought to know this as I read many of your posts but can you briefly describe how you dropped the Levadopa by such a large amount? Thanks
Hooray for the placebo effect.
JW-H has not the slightest idea of what a scientific approach is.
She is purely intuitive and pretty good at that. I definitely admire certain insights she has and I am grateful to her for the psychological side - and maybe ultimate - explanation of PD. Not to mention that she did all that for free.
But I do not buy into the needles, the energy flows, and all this imaginery stuff. Pure placebo, I agree with parkie13.
PS : If you want to stop L-Dopa or Dopamine agonists, I'm sure it's safer to do it *very* gradually. Google "Dopamine Agonists Withdrawal Syndrome" (DAWS).
She has no credibility whatsoever. She's an acupuncturist with a 'degree' from some bs school of Chinese medicine.
All PD caused by 'backward flowing qi', and can be fixed by a change in attitude. What a patronising pile of crap. It infuriates me.
LOL ! That's a pretty straightforward analysis !
Thanks gang. You’ve perked me up!
What are we supposed to do become cripples with sticks and wheelchairs
According to her yes.
JHW's PD Recovery programme seems to neatly rule out anyone who has definitely got PD.
I think her experience and point of view, minus the no meds part, is interesting. There are many approaches, many experiences, many points of view that can be useful in understanding and working on healing our condition. No one has the whole truth. Western science and medicine isn't the be all, end all but can be very helpful, as can Chinese medicine and other paradigms. I just finished a workshop for people with PD and Dystonia led by Joaquin Farias, who has a unique approach and, I think, profound insight into biomechanics and brain function. I'm very excited about what I learned and saw in the workshop. You can find out more on his website. He's deveoping a program for Parkinson's as he's primarily worked with people with Dystonia until now. He has extensive knowledge of biomechanics, neuropsychology, martal arts/qigong and chinese medicine. There will be more online resources available in the future. I think deeper insights and potential for healing will come from finding the connections and intersections between these different paradigms. I'm feeling very hopeful.
Thanks. A lovely post😊
read her book Once Upon a Pill...free download on her site. it is not arrogant or pompous or negative. it is simply based on what she has experienced.
Yes, has anyone of you read her book, Once Upon a Pill? In it she shares what had been her experience. Isn't that what we are all doing here, sharing from our experience/knowledge base in order to help other?