Hi! Does anyone have a day when there is absolutely no energy and everything feels like water? That’s how it is today. Haven’t had it like this before. I wonder why things change
Energy : Hi! Does anyone have a day when... - Cure Parkinson's

Hi. I can tell you that I have no energy or motivation and I hate it but I know it could be worse. I take 2 sinamet 3 times a day and work full time. I was an active person but now not so much. I need a lot more sleep then I used to. I think being tired is part of the disease. I've only had PD for 5 years. I am 57. Sorry I have no words of wisdom.
When I feel like that, which happens from time to time, I just make myself go out onto the street and start walking. It is difficult to begin with, but after five or ten minutes I start to feel norma again.
We cannot suddenly 'LOSE' all our energy. What happens is that the shortage of dopamine, which acts as a 'Motivator', isn't doing its job properly, but the energy is still there WE have to be our own 'Energiser'
Thank you, I haven’t walked in a couple of weeks because of weather and have been craving sweets 🍭 terribly. The walking will help in all areas.
We can LOSE energy. Deficits of any of the contributors to the Krebs cycle will most certainly curtail ones energy level.
Is that a sudden loss? If so, where does that energy go to?
Yes it can most certainly be a sudden loss....as statins, for instance, can block the pathways usually used by CoQ10 in the latter’s path into the Krebs cycle. this interference with the mitochondria’s ability to manufacture energy efficiently creates a loss. It does not have to be evidenced as a complete loss which would be death, of course.
With regard to your question as to where the energy goes-if you are looking for some cosmic explanation, I can’t give it to you. I don’t believe the universe works that way.
Bang goes my theory! Can you explain why, when I feel totally listless and unable to move; I am able to get out there an start waking, albeit very slowly, and within ten minutes I feel okay again?
Impossible to tell since there are so many factors but this is not a phenomenon reserved for Parkies. Every person I know feels more energetic after a bit of exercise. All us old people particularly. I can feel really lethargic and want to just stay in bed but when I get up, get on my stationary bike, horse machine or go to the pool, I perk right up and feel energetic after...like I used to as a young person. I have to be sure not to do this too late in the day or I have too much energy to settle down to sleep. I don’t have PD. Maybe the increased circulation kick starts the energy processes? Maybe the exercise regulates glucose (yes). Probably a lot of things get triggered.
Hi Parkinson's is a crafty little disease.
With the meds and good lifestyle I can feel well for a few days at a time. Al most think there's not a lot wrong with me .
But the Parkinsons Gods see me happy so just for spite send me a double dose of fatigue, diskensia
Hi Parkinsons is a sneaky little disease.
With my meds and good eating and lifestyle I can feel well and doubt wether there's a lot wrong with me .
Then the Parkinsons Gods look down on me and see me happy.
Thier committee decides to knock me back a peg or two.
They send me a double dose of fatigue,diskensia ,hallucinations , freezing and what ever else they can find.
PD is very unpredictable. Just be ready when it does it's worst .
I have been floored by fatigue but not tired as in need to sleep . Upon checking my pulse I see it has dropped very low so I resort to my skipping rope to get my heart pumping again. It works for me or as John says get walking. Don't let fatigue overtake you.
If I work out in the morning(fast walking, cardio and back exercises) , I am so exhausted that I am pretty much unable to do anything the rest of the day. I am trying to go later in the day but find my workout is a bit more difficult.
Recommend you read up on CoQ10/ubiquinol. Are you on statins? Read my reply on Roy Prop.
No matter if I've just worked out and feel great, sometimes the second I enter my house i get so tired. Some days I can be out all day and fine until, again, I'm home. It's like the black hole. Anyone feel this way?
Try music during these times to pump you up and drink something
I’m also in the afternoon fatigue club. I’m so grateful to be retired and able to spend mornings at the gym taking various classes. After I get home, prepare lunch and eat I’m pretty much done for the day, so I relax until it’s time to fix dinner mostly, unless I’ve made a commitment with someone or it’s the day to volunteer.
If you are in the Nortern Hemisphere, it may be colder weather and shorter days are contributing to your fatigue. I also feel stiffer on cold days.
One of the side affects from PD and medication like Azilect is that it lowers blood pressure . That could be the cause of your fatigue. If that's a cause then it only stands to reason you would feel better doing some form of exercise and getting the heart pumping. Cold weather is also a factor think about what the cold does to ones circulatory system it slows it down. Having said that I can relate how hard it is to get motivated to do some form of exercise when you feel exhausted. Good luck on your PD journey.