The Medical Mafia : This week I went to see... - Cure Parkinson's

Cure Parkinson's

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The Medical Mafia

Lmji profile image
71 Replies

This week I went to see my doctor and spoke to him about Mucuna Prereins. As expected I received a rather cold reply and advised to get back on Sinemet and forget this hocus-pocus stuff. We spoke about seeing a naturopath and he scoffed at the idea stating that it wasn't necessary.

I'm not surprised at the reception I received. Even though I explained that MP has no side-effects is quicker acting and last longer but the most important thing is that it's not as destructive as other medications. When the medical fraternity takes this kind of attitude it is no wonder why so many people resort to natural medicine I still feel that a proper diet free from from toxins exercise meditation and natural medicine will go along way to helping those of us who are afflicted with this condition.

What can I say for as long as big Pharma pays the medical paternity with incentives to traffic their drugs, products like capital MP will never go anywhere.

Is it any wonder why more more people are less trusting of doctors.

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Lmji profile image
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71 Replies
Xenos profile image

As far as I know, Mucuna Pruriens is a bean rich in L-Dopa, with no certainty whatsoever on the dosage.

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toXenos

I managed to get some from China and it's pretty high in L Dopa so much so that thankfully I've stopped using sinemet.

Xenos profile image
Xenos in reply toLmji

How do you know you are not overdosing ?

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toXenos

If I were to overgoes then I become Nauseous so 1/8th of a teaspoon is what I stick to. The other thing is that with MP all of the literature I have read states that there are limited if any side-effects with this compared to sinemet

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toLmji

I would like to get off the generic sinemet (carb/levo 25-100 1 tab 4x a day) and onto the MP but don't know how to calculate the dosage or where to buy. I was dx'd w PD about 1 year ago. My symptoms pre-sinemet include a limping, dragging walk; several falls; foot

"stuck" to floor unable to move; need assistance getting out of

car or chair, or getting up from floor; minimal typing or writing skills...& more. Sinimet has controlled these symptoms over last year but I am now getting stiffness and pain in neck

and upper chest that may be PD or sinimet related (not sure)...Asked neurologist about the longevity & safety of sinimet 1 yr. ago and he said not to worry, sinimet would work well for a lifetime (I'm 62 yrs old), so I doubt he will be receptive to working with me on the macuna pruriens idea. ANY HELP at all will be deeply appreciated...

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toNippermcc

Hi I got my MP from EBay it's 98.6% L Dopa As for usage I'm flying blind as no one either doctor pharmacist or naturopath will stick their necks out and advise accordingly your best bet is to find someone who has used MP successfully in the past as yet I haven't found anyone so I'm flying blind

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toLmji

The neurologist would be unreceptive to any changes so I guess I am flying blind too! I've read other forums warning of death & destruction if I stop this sinimet and take that just a scare tactic or realistic? I am 1 yr on carb/levo 25-100mg aka sinemet 25/100...what about you? and what are your thoughts / advice for /to me???

PS I have had bad experience w/doctors since this began. GP asked me how long I'd been walking "that way" I said "what way" and he replied "like an APE...and your face looks like a mask. Are you angry?" He diagnosed me immediately w/parkinsons and said it was a horrible disease... This set the stage for me fighting the parkinsons diagnosis ever since...

Boyce3600 profile image
Boyce3600 in reply toNippermcc

You should report his unprofessionalism and total lack of bedside manner

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toBoyce3600

Hi Boyce and thank you for your kind reply. This was 2 years ago & may be too late to report and don't know to whom. Longer version: After saying I walked "like an APE" he proceeded to perform an imitation of me as an ape, knuckles dragging along the floor. He then asked me if I was angry as my face looked like a mask. I said I probably did look angry since my doctor just did an imitation of me and said I walk like an Ape. He then said I had parkinsons, like his receptionist's husband. It was a horrible disease and very hard for the receptionist to care for her him...implication being that I would be a burden to my family!

This mistreatment set me back a good 1-2 years as I was in denial about the diagnosis from such a cruel medical "professional".

Thank you again for listening & responding. I treasure the many kindnesses I have also received.

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toNippermcc

I am sickened for what you must have gone through ; he was unnecessarily harsh and woefully inappropriate. We are here for you and understand.

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toNippermcc

Big pharmaceutical has much to be blamed for. They look at us only as cash cows. These parasites are not nor will they ever be interested in finding a cure. Because finding a cure will only result in them going out of business.

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toNippermcc

Dang, your doc is so Crass...

NancyJHP profile image
NancyJHP in reply toNippermcc

I've had bad experiences with doctors as well and just the other day my significant other started walking in an ape-like fashion to mimic me. I didn't realize I was walking that way, but I guess I am. I ordered my Mucuna today, hope it helps. I've gotten tons of good advice from this site and I'm feeling much better. Thank you everybody.

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toLmji

Found this SWANSON report on their Mucuna Pruriens product when I was looking for info on dosage for same...Do not know what year it was produced but it may interest some or all of you as it did me:

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toLmji

Big Question: I am taking 100mg sinemet (4 tablets a day=100mg) do I convert that to dosage for mucuna pruriens??? I really want to switch over!

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toXenos

No dosing data, no quality control nor long term evidence-I'm not taking anything and

Will rather starve to death 💀 than to play the Rx and natural remedy games I am seeing and learning about. Path of least resistance is to die with dignity.

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toAmyLindy

I hear you. The best thing we can do is to try and reverse the condition by eating clean wholesome food which has not been adulterated by GMO or other toxins, exercise, meditation and a change in attitude

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toLmji

We're hanging on the same Life rope @Lmji

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toAmyLindy

Dang! I read that/my post from last month - it's harsh, but still rings true.

faridaro profile image

Not sure about medical system in Australia, but here in the US, as far as I understand, if a doctor prescribes medication not listed in PDF (physician desk reference) and the patient sues him later for malpractice, the malpractice insurance would not cover the doctor.

And being in the pocket of the big Pharma paying for physicians' continued education conferences held at exclusive resorts and many other perks doesn't help with the situation.

Actually, in the current system there is no incentive to cure patients because sick people are the livelihood of the multibillion health industry. Just last night I watched "What the Health" film which is right now free on Netflix - such an eye opener....

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply tofaridaro

Actually you're wrong it's a multi trillion dollar industry. But rest assured at least their not corrupted.


faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply toLmji

You are right, I was off by three zeros :)

ddmagee1 profile image

It has been my experience, that I'm better off, if I go with the experienced training of a movement disorders specialist doctor, when I have questions concerning medications, vitamins, herbs, treatments etc. of any kind. I don't feel that I have the pharmacological knowledge to make the best choice for the handling of my PD/Ataxia diagnosed ailments.

JohnPepper profile image

You have already underlined the problem, so use your brains to make the correct decision. But if you also use your brains, when you realize that no medication does anything to slow down the progression of Pd, then why are we taking medication at all?

Have a look at my profile and see what I have done to overcome my Pd symptoms and get away from any medication.

Bailey_Texas profile image
Bailey_Texas in reply toJohnPepper

Hello John. you keep asking the same question over and over

"But if you also use your brains, when you realize that no medication does anything to slow down the progression of Pd, then why are we taking medication at all?"

The answer is it relieves the pain the stiffness the head fog, the anxiety, panic attacks, shuffling, restless leg that stops me from sleeping , helps with sleep, the meds make it possible for me to do what i do every day. With out them i can walk no more than a few meters can not feed myself wipe my butt,have sex, drive a car would most likely be in a wheelchair. So John you would take them too if you had PD as bad as someone like me.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toBailey_Texas

Hi Bailey. My question was not directed at you. I know very well not to question anything YOU do. My question was directed to the previous person.

JosieDubbel profile image
JosieDubbel in reply toBailey_Texas

Why be so negative again? I donot like that. And it is not nessesary at all. Only spoils the atmosphere here. Because of especially your agression I quit quite often

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toJohnPepper

John I'm starting your walking regimen and hopefully be able to train twice a day coconsisting of a Robeck's in the morning and weights in the afternoon. I've been lucky to have trained for the last 36 years. The problem is that I can't do any training unless I take my medication. Your thoughts.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toLmji

Do you intend doing the walking , say on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or Tuesday Thursday and Saturday in addition to two training sessions at these every other day or also on the days you walk? It sounds like too much to me!

I hope the training sessions don't use the same muscle groups as the walking?

In my message to you I said that when I did 90 minutes a day at the gym for 2 years I went backwards very fast. but when I just did the walking on 3 days a week only, I came right straight away.

Don't do too much!!!!!!

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toJohnPepper

Thanks mate will do. By the way if you ever get the chance to come out to Melbourne Australia let me know please.


JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply toLmji

I was in Melbourne in February 2016. I am getting too old to travel now. Look at my profile and contact me.

Harleybob08 profile image

As far as I can tell the LDopa used in sinemet is extracted from MP. There is no difference, MP is the best, maybe only, source.

That being so, your doc has no grounds for slating MP. Sinemet is a mix of LDopa and Carbidopa. Check out the side effects of Carbidopa, it is horrendous. Its main function is to alleviate nausea, but a major side effect is nausea. I use 5 HTP, as per the Hinz Protocol, for this purpose.

The whole setup is a disgrace, bad enough having PD without having to wade through all this yourself.

God Bless.

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toHarleybob08

I agree

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toHarleybob08

Harleybob08. I tried to read the article but not being a scientist I could not understand any of it all I got out of it was degradation which does not sound good so are they saying that MP is better for you but still take care always sinemet more safer in spite of the drawbacks can you assist

Harleybob08 profile image
Harleybob08 in reply toLmji

Don't worry about the article, I was only referring to my belief that MP is the only source of LDopa. The first verse reads.....

"Mucuna pruriens is the best known natural source of L-dopa, the gold standard for treatment of Parkinsonism"

LDopa is the active ingredient that helps with PD in both sinemet and in Mucuna. It is now available as 98% pure, which is helpful, as exact dosing is required.

Personally I feel safer doing the Amin Acid Protocol, but I am only 18months in, and others would disagree .

Islandhappy profile image
Islandhappy in reply toHarleybob08

Tell me more about which amino acids you're taking

Harleybob08 profile image
Harleybob08 in reply toIslandhappy

Folate, vit b6, tyrosine, 5HTP, cystine, Mucuna, LDopa, vit c, calcium, lysine. All balanced to suit the individual.

Aminos are accepted by the body because they are what the body is made of. The idea is that we are replacing the aminos that are damaged by the PD itself. This is a bit trial and error, and is best supervised by a doc who knows what he/she is doing. Google Marty Hinz. :-)

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toHarleybob08

Big Question: I am taking 100mg sinemet (4 tablets a day=100mg) do I convert that to dosage for mucuna pruriens??? I really want to switch over!

Harleybob08 profile image
Harleybob08 in reply toNippermcc

Sinemet is made of Levadopa and Carbidopa. My understanding is that the Levadopa is the same as Mucuna 98% LDopa.

I have no experience of coming off Carbidopa, be careful.

Assuming a clean sheet, I would start at around 1G of 98% LDopa and slowly rise, say by 300mg per week. At some stage your symptoms should subside. Do not exceed 7G.

At some stage you will feel nauseus. Try 5 HTP Starting around 150mg the nausea should subside before you reach750mg.

The trick is to be meticulous in your dosing, and gradual in your changes. Don't expect miracles.

The quantities are daily doses unless stated otherwise. Split into three; four hours appart.

If you decide to go this route, I would seriously recommend professional over site. The above is only part of Amino Acid Treatment proper.

My doc is Dr. Ron Cargioli.

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toHarleybob08

Thanks so much Harleybob08! My daily siminet (Lev/Carb) is 4 tabs daily 100/25 mg. So is the 1G for each day or a week? I will look into finding good neurologist - live near Nashville and appts hard to come by: most are a year away! checked neurologist reviews for local area and all were pretty negative. I will keep trying!

Harleybob08 profile image
Harleybob08 in reply toNippermcc

Yes, 1G each day to start.

Most doctors doing this hold consultations by FaceTime or Skype.

Regular neuros will not be interested.

I am in Scotland, Dr.Ron is in Indiana.

JosieDubbel profile image
JosieDubbel in reply toHarleybob08

But the carbidopa is just one of the problems with sinemet . It interferes with vit B6 and disturbs hundreds of enzyme reactions causing death in the long run. See Hinz and allies on the subject

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toHarleybob08

I'm shriveling up just reading all the hazards of everything--I'm gonna go hide .

Harleybob08 profile image
Harleybob08 in reply toAmyLindy

Naval Officers don't shrivel, they just regroup. :-)

Try reading this site. Allow some time, as they give 48hrs free access. Many are living well with PD, decline is not inevitable. Chose a strategy and go for it.

God Bless.

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toHarleybob08

Omg haven't heard that in

Sooooo long . Ok Harleyman, I'm gonna go regroup !

AmyLindy profile image
AmyLindy in reply toAmyLindy

I meant, Harleybob LOL

Bridielena profile image
Bridielena in reply toAmyLindy

Can I come with you

Nippermcc profile image

Appreciated your message & have a similar request for help:

I would like to get off the generic sinemet (carb/levo 25-100 1 tab 4x a day) and onto the MP but don't know how to calculate the dosage or where to buy. I was dx'd w PD about 1 year ago. My symptoms pre-sinemet include a limping, dragging walk; several falls; foot

"stuck" to floor unable to move; need assistance getting out of

car or chair, or getting up from floor; minimal typing or writing skills...& more. Sinimet has controlled these symptoms over last year but I am now getting stiffness and pain in neck

and upper chest that may be PD or sinimet related (not sure)...Asked neurologist about the longevity & safety of sinimet 1 yr. ago and he said not to worry, sinimet would work well for a lifetime (I'm 62 yrs old), so I doubt he will be receptive to working with me on the macuna pruriens idea. ANY HELP at all will be deeply appreciated...

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toNippermcc

Whereabouts do you live Australia or the USA

Islandhappy profile image

When the medical community and big pharma can offer more than temporary symptom relief let me know. In the meantime I'll take my mp and handful of supplements and exercise . My neuro has been supportive of my experimentation as he knows his limitations and I am doing well... don't be intimidated.😀

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toIslandhappy

How long have you been taking MP and are you having any side-effects also can you tell me what your usage is

Islandhappy profile image
Islandhappy in reply toLmji

Now dopa 15%. Taking 1 capsule upon waking on empty stomach. Feeling more energy and motivation. Tremors come and go. Taking sublingual cbd with a small amount of thc periodically if needed. Will up dosage to 2/day when needed

Islandhappy profile image
Islandhappy in reply toIslandhappy

been taking it for just a few weeks. no nausea

tbirchf profile image

My husband was diagnosed with PD 5 years ago. He is on Sinemet prescribed by a neurologist, and I am very concerned about the side effects. I would really like to know where to get Mucuna Pruriens and how to get in touch with a qualified homeopathic professional who can guide us on the dosage, etc. My husband currently exercises with Delay the Disease, and we both can see the exercise is as important as the medicine or maybe more important than the medicine. Right now he needs both.

FMundo profile image

Sounds like you're looking for an adult-adult relationship with an MD who prefers the adult-child one. Much of medicine these days is pill pushing so your behavior threatens your MD from that perspective too. Having a degenerative neurological illness that leads to unpredictable symptoms and inevitable death is serious business. A physician who gives a wave of the hand to alternative medicine (particularly what you speak of which is quite viable) deserves a swift kick in the backside (symbolically speaking) and perhaps the recommendation that he/she change their specialty to pathology. Their patients would be more understanding.

JosieDubbel profile image
JosieDubbel in reply toFMundo

But what is the use of them anyway in this manner? I would rather prefer they help me with changing lifestyle creating possibilities to exercise and so forth and so on. They are paid by my insurance why cannot they be a little more concerned with my health?

mleec profile image

I am newly diagnosed but have yet to see a movement disorder specialist. I am concerned about taking meds and my case is mild at the moment. I am currently boxing, walking, and just embarked (yesterday) on a vegan diet. My fear of the meds is that that they will not slow the progression and if I take them too soon they will quickly fail to work. Secondly, homepathic treatment is preferable, but supplements are not regulated. This is a serious concern as some of the supplements either have none of the active ingredient you have purchased or too much. Very serious business and scary. Worst of all, I fear the drug pushing medical field.

Nippermcc profile image

Big Question: I am taking 100mg sinemet (4 tablets a day=100mg) do I convert that to dosage for mucuna pruriens??? I really want to switch over!

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toNippermcc

Wish I knew. it can't be like for like.

Nippermcc profile image
Nippermcc in reply toLmji

I am new to all of this so my question will seem naive, but why couldn't the sinemet to the mucuna pruriens dosage be like for like? I am so confused I don't know if I can survive this confusion...

GymBag profile image

Well now you have done it, they probably know about us now. Everybody will have to change names again. 8>)

FluteReed profile image

It was already mentioned that there is no way to know the certainty of the purity or dosage. There are no clinical trials to prove efficacy. Is this the same doctor who diagnosed you? If you don't trust his medicinal advice then I guess you don't trust your diagnosis of PD either. There are nurologists more open to homeopathic aids. Apparently you don't trust your current doctor so change.

AmyLindy profile image

I have no advice - still learning and avoiding Rx at present. Please post updates as they occur. I think you are on the right track though!

SilentEchoes profile image

I'm right there with you. I don't want "treatment," I want a cure! I've watched my own mother's slow decline with PD for 22 years and know this is not the road I want to take. My mom, and others like her are the Golden Goose and there is no incentive to change the status quo. I do not look to mainstream medicine for help when there is an inherent bias and conflict of interest with their form of treatment.

We need to advocate for ourselves and not give our power away to anyone. Thank you for sharing this information, knowledge is power and we need to empower each other.

Please let us know how your protocol helps or doesn't help with your symptoms.

aspergerian profile image
aspergerian in reply toSilentEchoes

"My mom, and others like her are the Golden Goose and there is no

incentive to change the status quo. I do not look to mainstream medicine

for help when there is an inherent bias and conflict of interest with

their form of treatment."

A bonafide science of Parkinson's would include other neurotransmitter systems, not just dopaminergics.

See first two paragraphs of Huot et al 2015.

Lmji profile image

I would never have expected it but here it is. up until about two months ago it was quite legal in Australia to purchase mucuna pruriens. It's now revealed that it is now illegal to import mucuna because it contains L Dopamine which is believed to contain amphetamines. This smacks of corruption by big Pharma. They have now purchased the Australian federal police force.

alexask profile image
alexask in reply toLmji

I would be surprised. But this is what my friend who knows someone who works for Big Pharma stated - they isolate the ingredient from a natural source to put in their drugs and then spend time lobbying to make the natural source illegal.

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toalexask

I intend to fight this

AmyLindy profile image

Any updates? I appreciate your experience and notes@lmji

Lmji profile image
Lmji in reply toAmyLindy

Much to my surprise my package from India actually arrived in one piece now it’s not 100% l dopa it’s now 50% but better than nothing so I’m going to give this a try I did manage to get a hold of Zandopa from an Indian doctor locally the product seems to work well but you need twice as much than I would normally take with the other brand of L dopa I was previously using Will give this product to try and keep everyone posted best of luck to all

MarciAC4 profile image

There has got to be a way for the two to work together. I have lost a lot of weight because of my tremors. Regular neurologist says go eat lots of cookies and donuts. I am on a sugar free diet because sugar is inflammatory. But the naturopath says eat leafy greens. While I believe that leafy greens are good, they are not putting any weight on me. Meanwhile, I eat lots of nuts(the most nutrient dense food that I know) but I am not keeping up with the loss.

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