The paper by Osiezagha et al may provide clues about hallucinations and
may be relevant to the theory and findings of A. Costantini and
Thiamine deficiency and delirium
Osiezagha K, Ali S, Freeman C, Barker NC, Jabeen S, Maitra S, Olagbemiro Y, Richie W, Bailey RK.
Innov Clin Neurosci. 2013 Apr;10(4):26-32.
This constellation of symptoms is largely due to involvement of thalamic
or mamillary bodies and range from a confusional state to mental
sluggishness, apathy, impaired awareness of the immediate situation,
inability to concentrate and, if left untreated, coma and death.32,50
Some patients may present with confusion or agitation, hallucinations,
and behavioral disturbances that mimic an acute psychotic disorder.51,52
Ocular abnormalities occur in approximately 29 pecent of patients, and
include nystagmus, symmetrical or asymmetrical palsy of either lateral
recti or other ocular muscles, and conjugate-gaze palsies, which result
from lesions of the pontine tegmentum and of the abducens and oculomotor