Im 6mo diagnosed pd taking mannitol, nac and 1 mg azilect. Am considering adding macuna powder for mild tremor. Is it safe interaction wise? How much powder would be an appropriate dosage? Thanks to all
How much macuna is appropriate - Cure Parkinson's
How much macuna is appropriate

you should NOT be dosing macuna on your own. it is helpful increasing dopamine levels, but it is not effective in crossing the blood/brain barrier alone and needs to be taken with amino acids to increase the efficacy. research hinz protocol, call their clinical in Duluth, and hook up with a practitioner that has taken their training. Too much dopamine is not good either and can induce schizophrenic tendencies. It needs to be closely regulated.
You should consult a neurologist who understands the mechanisms. My friend got changed to a medicine that does not impact the the brains capacity to create dopamine. We now would use it after several years.
I do not have PD, but I've had restless legs syndrome for 40 years. In 2015 the RL got so bad I was not getting any sleep but in snippets. I was desperate. My son in law is a Family Practice doctor and prescribed my first drug to relieve RL, which was ropinirole. Heretofore, I was adamantly opposed to drugs. They are not the answer; they don't find the cause of the problem but do help for a time. Then drug-takers usually hit a wall somewhere along the line. The kickback is worse than the disease. So it was with ropinirole; it worked right off the bat, but the benefits began decreasing, so increasing the drug is what doctors do. I asked my son in law: when a drug stops working, then what; then what; then what. Each response from him was more drugs, different stronger drugs, then a sleep study. Soon I could see where this was going, so I decided I had to solve my own situation. (It's true that some drugs work long-term for some. That's wonderful. That probably is not the case with most sufferers.) I began searching for natural L-Dopa. Long story short, I found Mucuna Pruriens. It has worked beautifully and consistently for me. I have taken it first with ropinirole as I was weaning off the drug. No bad reaction from both at once. Stopping ropinirole left me with augmentation until the drug was out of my system.
I've taken Mucuna Pruriens (MP) now for 14 months. I get consistent results every time; no reaction, just relief. I have taken MP with amino acids and without amino acids. I still get the same results. So I take it without amino acids. I have used capsules of 98% pure MP, and they take an hour to take affect, and are expensive (I think). I have now found a powdered MP which costs MUCH LESS than the capsules and it takes half the time to work (about 20 minutes depending on what is in my stomach from dinner that fights for absorption). Therefore I take MP on an empty stomach.) The website is: You will need to search for Mucuna Pruriens. I take 1/2 tsp. of the powder around 9:30 p.m.; by 10, I am very sleepy and can get right to sleep. This dosage gives me four hours sleep. I am up taking more at that time; then get another 4 hours sleep. I cannot tolerate more than that dose at a time. Everyone will need to experiment to see what works.
Mucuna Pruriens has been used for hundreds of years in India to control PD. I'd say it's probably met the requirements of the test of time. Many use it and get dependable relief. Everyone is different. And perhaps not everyone benefits from MP. I understand that it DOES cross the blood brain barrier; nevertheless, whatever it does, it works for me and many other people. If you are desperate like I was, you might be ready to try it. There is an excellent book about MP that you can get through Amazon. I encourage you to do your own research. NO one will care about you like YOU yourself care.
Good luck and God bless you.
Thank you fir your experience. How do u take the powder? In tea?
Curious, what does your azilect / Nac Dr. Say about complimentary/ supplements ? Is mannitol self prescribed ? My Neuro said dosing is not yet defined for MUCUNA , so it's guesswork.
My dr says mannitol wont help but prob wont hurt me. Same with nac. Clinic crowd has a group that self reports on mannitol
Follow IAN FRIZELL on YouTube -he reports on his use of Mannitol in Vlog27
Clinic crowd ? Another group ? I think I've got 4 online group memberships already -not including FB groups! Diet time 👀 IAN / Mannitol