What is the latest and greatest info about Mucuna?
Macuna: What is the latest and greatest... - Cure Parkinson's

That it did not work for me even at two tablespoon dose.
There is a form of Mucuna pruriens called Zandopa/HP-200 which has been tested on Parkinson's disease patients:
Tried mucuna regular mucuna seed powder powder which didn't have much effect. However, a 40 percent l dopa mucuna extract from Barlowe's has worked well for me.
Can u post where to get this
I use Barlowe's Herbal Elixirs, mucuna pruriens extract 40 percent l-dopa. I purchase it from Amazon.
I see it on Amazon. 60 cap. For 16.98 i believe.is that the one? How long to see improvement? I have a hand tremor. Have not been diagnosed. Will not take prescription drugs. Want something natural.
Have you ever experienced nausea or intestinal problems with the Mucuna?
How far apart do you space your dosage of mucuna and do you also take sinemet?
I recently began taking sinemet. Trying it without mucuna for a 2 week period just to see how it works, then will add mucuna back in the regime of
How long ago were you diagnosed? I have been taking sinemet since I was diagnosed in 2002. Only on mucuna for about 3 weeks. The mucuna allows me 6 hours between dosages of sinemet instead of 2-1/2 hours. If you have time, I would appreciate your updating me on your reaction to taking both. Good luck!
I was diagnosed about 4 or 5 years ago. Symptoms began at least 20 years before diagnosis. These early symptoms were: frequent nighttime urination, insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue, to name a few. Then major symptoms began to develop 5 yrs ago. That's when you can put a name on the illness. I have and appointment with a mds mid Feb. Until then I have been treated by a Neuro.
I use Macuna 98% as part of an Amino Acid regime worked out by Dr. Marty Hinz. It works fine, I have a slight head bob, and that is the only symptom.
40% worked as well, but raw Mucuna doesn't have enough LDopa.
My husband (diagnosed with PD 12 years ago) does very well on 1 tablespoon doses of pure Mucuna Pruriens powder (a ground up bean) mixed in a little pure water, which he takes about every 3 hours or whenever he needs it. About 98% of the time it takes effect in only 5-15 minutes without the side effects he gets from Stalevo (the Sinemet in this stopped working for him earlier this year). He still takes 2 Stalevo a day (morning and afternoon) because without it the Mucuna seems less effective in late afternoon/evening. We think the Carbidopa in the Stalevo helps get more of the Mucuna's L-dopa across the blood brain barrier. (We'd like to find a natural effective substitute for Carbidopa.)
He has taken up to 8 tablespoons of Mucuna a day without any side effects. In fact, he seems healthier since he cut down the Stalevo and began the Mucuna. It makes simple sense to us that the natural Mucuna would be more easily absorbed by the body (and be less harmful) than a synthetic drug like Stalevo. The body would recognise the bean as food.
I have read that Mucuna, being a natural substance, contains some valuable nutrients including some that are neuro-protective.
I have also read that Zandopa has additives, like a sweetener that may be neuro-toxic!
We live in the UK and have tried many brands of Mucuna powder - all have worked equally well - so we always shop around for the one with the best price now.
I have bought zandopa on eBay. I asked the dealer that sold it what kind of sweetener it had in it. He said that the Indian ayurveda uses plain sugar. I believe that is true however being from India I always wonder what kind of Sanitation they have.
Re: "We'd like to find a natural effective substitute for Carbidopa."
Alright, HealthSeeker7, please see these 2 posts by Silvestrov:
-- Use of EGCg, salmon oil, and vitamin C (as a vegetarian, I guess you'll omit the salmon oil; scroll down to 7th post in this thread)
1) healthunlocked.com/parkinso...;
-- And how to guard against risks of EGCg --
Hi what brand do you use recommend? I reside in USA. Thanks
We live in the UK, so have no experience with buying in the USA. What we buy is pure ground Mucuna Pruriens beans, not roasted or heat treated in any way, so nutrients have not been damaged by heat. The powder is a light grey, not brown, tastes nutty / earthy and almost sweet. My husband says it is not unpleasant tasting even though it looks like grey clay powder. The Mucuna we buy is not an extract, is not in capsules, and does not have any additives or sweeteners (which can be neuro-toxic).
Having said that, after a quick search online I found this place in Nevada USA which sells Mucuna powder in bulk from 100 g to 25 kg at prices similar to what we pay here. I can't vouch for them, but the company and the product have some good reviews -
If we lived in the USA, we'd buy a sample bag from them to see what the powder was like, and if it was effective, we'd probably buy from 1 to 5 kgs at a time (25 kg if we could afford it since that price works out best per kg). They say shipping is free for orders over $49.
I hope this helps.
I am taking 200mg of Mucana from Swanson with my Sinemet and have been able to reduce my Sinemet 25/100 by three pills and with no side effects. Working for me.
Can anyone in UK recommend the best one please and where I can purchase it thank you
Here's the place I bought from last time, though I have bought it from a number of sellers. I saw it cheaper elsewhere, but they were out of stock last time I ordered. Just do a Google search on 'Mucuna Pruriens powder UK' if you want to check out other sellers. They're all good as far as we have experienced.