Seed extract 650mg. 40% PILL form it's white, I thought I was getting the whole herb which is brown, this looks like it's pure L-dopa. Has anyone tried this, and how much would replace 25/100 cardopa/levadopa. I take 2 25/100 every 3 half hours. I would like to try cutting back one pill and replace with mucuna. Thank you.
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Barlowe's herbals elixirs Macuna Pruriens

I replied on this subject 5 days ago:
I use Barlowe’s 40%, 1 capsule 4x per day, every 6 hours. Capsule is 650mg = 260mg L Dopa, so my daily L Dopa intake is just over 1gm. I drink a cup of green tea with my morning dose, which seems to aid absorption a bit. Best taken on an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after a meal. Barlowe’s sells the 40% in bulk powder and I use that as well. One dose = 3/16 tsp. I’ve been doing this for over a year and noticed no adverse effects. Provides relief from most symptoms, both motor and non-motor. Reduces tremor but not completely. Good luck and I hope this helps.— John G
Green tea makes me nauseous on empty stomach, I have green tea pills from Nutra Gold I used to use them with mucuna and other aminos acid, In the beginning of diagnosis 2012 I was trying to copy Dr. Heinz protocol, but I stiffness/tremor on left side was getting bothersome. I went 4 years without cardopa/levadopa, I didn't know about protein interfering, I used to use macuna with whey protein from dr. Mercola for glutathione, and I probably wasn't upping my macuna enough. I'm looking into try a natural Moa B inhibitors, to prolong dopamine. Thank you for your information. MARIA
Do you only drink green tea with your morning dose? How about your other dosage do you take anything to help with absorption
were you ever on sinemet? we are trying to transition from sinemet to only mucuna. thanks!
"relief from symptoms" means temporary and partial relief. There's "on" and "off" time, and good and bad days. Good luck and I hope it helps - JG
what do you think is causing the on and off periods? trying to reduce my dad's off's and this 40% mucuna was looking hopeful for us!
On and off times is what you get with Sinemet. Because Sinemet is absorbed in the lower intestine and a dose lasts only five hours no matter how much you take. In between those 5-6 hour doses you have off time. I’ve tried the control release Sinemet but it doesn’t seem to make that much difference for me. And I tend to feel overmedicated when I use it. You just have to experiment and see what works best. Smaller doses more frequently seems to work better for some people, including me. I get best results with one Sinemet and about 100mg equivalent of Mucuna taken together. Once again you need to experiment and see what works. Good luck and I hope this helps - John G
thanks a lot john, really appreciate the info. we have been taking the mucuna in between the sinemet doses so to avoid freezing in between doses, but taking them at the same time is a good idea. we are a bit worried about how to slowly decrease sinemet doses since its been 12 years, but i think we have figured out a gradual way. fingers crossed. thanks again
I haven’t started Sinemet yet. My doctor recommends up to 600 mg of l-dopa from MP which would be around 10 MP pills a day. If I take more than two at a time however I feel adverse effects like a rapid heartbeat. I usually end up taking a maximum of six a day. I think it’s helpful, but I still have symptoms.
Barlowes is strong macuna I take 1 pill cardopa/levadopa and one macuna and it gave me Dyskinesia, I'm trying different methods to adjust to macuna. I haven't tried macuna alone yet, I known it won't work as good without cardopa to cross blood brain barrier, for taking tremor away. Also I'll need to slowly taper down on cardopa/levadopa.
not sure where you are at with this, but please scroll down and read thread for some mucuna info...!