This study is in my opinion conclusive proof that PD begins In the gut. Pathogenic bacteria, dysbiosis, and not enough of benefial bacteria seem to be the root cause. Where do we go from here? Human probiotic infusion aka fecal flora transplant?
Gut microbiota linked to Parkinson's - Cure Parkinson's
Gut microbiota linked to Parkinson's

There was an article I came across on DIY feacal transfer. Would need a strong stomach ( and a good toothbrush), but if it really cured PD it would be a small price to pay!
The logic seems feasible to me, but not conclusive.
I have found a place here that will investigate the current state of my bowel flora for around $750. Wonder if it's worth doing?
I think it might be worth the money to check it out, but do they know which, of the many, bacteria is causing problems in PD patients? Do probiotics help rather than going through a transplant? I've tried to read some of these articles but a lot of it goes over my head. I've tried a couple of probiotics & they make me feel better overall, more energy, etc. but it seems my tremors get a little worse.
The problem is in interpreting the results. I don't know if they know which ones we need really, but I think they may. Difficulty is in getting a medical professional on board. I have a young enthusiastic GP that may be interested. I'll ask her when I'm next in.
My GP is the same way. I'll talk to her when I see her next but that may be Feb. or so.
The researchers responsible for this latest, breakthrough, mouse model probably know as much as anyone about the bacterial ecology, and they openly admit they don't know at all which are the good or bad bacteria responsible.
This is something they plan to study next. Stay tuned! At this point, our GPs, Neuros, Movement Disorder Specialists, however well intentioned, like ourselves can only make wild, shot-in-the-dark guesses. But perhaps they have a direct line to God?
It seems to me that the possible (but still distant) prospect being opened up by this research is not to reverse the brain damage already done, but to slow (or even ideally stop) the progression by eliminating/neutralizing the bad bacteria.
Thank you Dumpelkin !!
Again, like a lot of articles here, this helps me to stay realistic and not to dream to much (of course because I'm still hoping and hoping).
I think the gut flora helps or helps not, to counteract against already present factors : heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, Borrelia, EBV.
Therefore detoxification (but difficult (in Switzerland, Germany) to find an experienced doc) is also an important thing, I think.
Suggest you do your research, i dont believe it will cure you but it may improve symptoms. People with pd have been having faecal transplants for a number of years now. If you do why not go for diy!
My husband suffered for years with gut problems
I have suffered from IBS for years so maybe there is a link. I also have a condition called Barrett's oesophagus. My Parkinson nurse said she knows of quite a few people with PD and Barratt's. Another reason to think there really is a link. I now take probiotic's and my doctor said to eat fermented foods like blue cheese. It's all very interesting.
Then the old adage" You are what you eat" really still stands!
PD may start in the gut but it may be the olfactory bulb (connected with smell,Braaks theory) and then travel to the gut. I think we cant be sure yet.
This article explains the implications.
Spoke to a GP friend who has given me name of a GP with an interest in this area who I will follow up.
My GP friend said they have found major links between gut flora and depression and anxiety, amongst other things, and she was not suprised that PD may be one of them. She has had her daughter tested for anxiety issues.
Problem is caused by antinbiotics and lack of fermented foods in the western diet.
She reckons you can fix the bacteria to a degree with pro biotics and fermented foods, but not entirely depending upon your situation.
Time for some yakult!