Has anyone tried taking this . there is a ton on info on this but cant see a lot of patient reviews - guess because it is still in clinical trials. The results seem to be promising - please let me know if anyone has tried this .
Has anyone tried taking this . there is a ton on info on this but cant see a lot of patient reviews - guess because it is still in clinical trials. The results seem to be promising - please let me know if anyone has tried this .
I am and so are a number of us on this forum. If you put NAC in the search engine on this forum you should be able to pick up the thread.
Thank you Stevie ,I have been googling it but I don't get a lot of info regarding which NAC brand is good how much to try , any side effects , any interaction with sinemet / Mirapex etc . If you or anyone could provide that feedback, that would be great .
I tend to go for source naturals or Swanson. I take 2x600 mg daily.
Is it working?
Well, who knows. I was wondering that very thing last night. I feel very well right now - better than for ages - but that could be due to my exercise programme, the medication I take, (6mg ropinirole a day), the other supplements, the fact that PD progresses very slowly...
I will make one tiny observation but with lots of caveats. I don't think my arm is as 'twitchy'. And my walking has improved. It could be due to the factors listed above. But I'm not going to stop taking it. I kind of feel I'm doing something right, I just need to work out what it is!
What about dyskinesia ?
I've only a slight twitch in my left hand and like I said, it seems a bit less twitchy. Having said that, I just had a great three days where I felt very well but today I felt lousy and my hands twitching away. My main issue is stiffness
Stevie3, your reply was 13 days ago, but are you still taking Emergen C? If yes, do you think it's working for your stiffness at all?
Yes I'm still taking it. I've been doing so for maybe six months (approximately). It was you who drew my attention to it I think. convinced it helps my stiffness. On the occasions I've forgotten to take it, mornings are much worse!
You are always great in giving feedback, hoping to hear back from you on this.
I tried 600 mgs for 7 days and found that I became light headed and dizzy. Checked the potential rare side effects and stopped it. Better now.... Just my luck.
I got it in bulk in powdered form. NAC is extremely acid and upset my sensitive urinary tract. To neutralize it I mix 100g of NAC with 24g of calcium carbonate. I then put it in capsules because its pretty sulfurous in the neutralized form. Plain NAC in water tastes like *really* strong lemonade and disguises the sulfur.
That would be calcium hydroxide (lime), not carbonate.
Update - saw dental hygienist yesterday. She mentioned she did not notice any tremors, unlike prior occasions. I have been taking a bit more than 600mg 3x day.
Another commonly available supplement that has neuroprotective and neurorescue properties? Black tea extract:
Neuroprotective and neurorescue effect of black tea extract in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rat model of Parkinson's disease
"Results suggest that BTE exerts both neuroprotective and neurorescue effects against 6-OHDA-induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, suggesting that possibly daily intake of BTE may slow down the PD progression as well as delay the onset of neurodegenerative processes in PD."
I take NAC and BTE every day.
Would really like your valuable feedback on my latest post. Thanks a ton !!
What supplements do you take ?
My mom has been super sleepy - can barely keep her eyes open. We are going to try and stop NAC and see if that's what is causing the issue. Used it for 20 days - started with one tablet 600mg and then moved to two. My dad did say that yday even with full meds she wasn't super dyskinesic .. but if it makes her groggy the whole day then I guess its not for her :(
Read about it, am taking a little optimistically but not on doctor orders or in a trial. Doesn't seem to hurt me. Take it every night before bed and just 100 mg as a component of a compound called Dr. Stephen Langer's glutathione precursors complex, sold by Swanson's