Are there certain foods to avoid with PD?
Foods: Are there certain foods to avoid... - Cure Parkinson's

none that I am aware of.
Hi Eileen. I have read that if you are on levodopa medication then you should definitely not eat or drink grapefruit. Look at Google - Grapefruit, Parkinson's. If you are on an MAO-b inhibitor you should not eat anything containing high levels of Tyramine, like warmed-up food, mature cheese, over-ripe fruit etc. Googlo - Tyramine, Food.
If you are on Levodopa do not mix Levodopa and protein since both "take the same bus in the intestine" and protein has priority therefore same way went in same way will go out.
Levodopa one hour before the protein or two hours after protein.
You can as well try to take all your protein at night and try to avoid it during the day.
It is up to you the way you want to deal with it.
Search as well in here for Levodapa + protein you will find other posts about it.

I eat extra protein during day to curb effects of meds since it's so hard to get amount right enough to keep moving and low enough to prevent dyskinesia.
Thanks, John, I knew about grapefruit, but I did not know about over ripened fruit, etc. I will google it. Thanks for your reply.
I am confused about the grapefruit. I have read that it is ok to drink grapefruit juice. What link is there to info about not using grapefruit with levodopa?
Any more information re food?