Hi, was interested if anyone had collagen injections in or near their vocable chords? My husbands neurologist is recommending that to plump up the vocal chords so that he can speak louder. Any success? Also going to try Botox injection on his right foot which has dystopia.
Collagen injections?: Hi, was interested... - Cure Parkinson's
Collagen injections?

Vocal chords not vocable! Dystonia, not dystopia! I hate spell check!
I haven't had collagen, but I have been and will still be getting botox. As for the collagen, do you trust the dr? And is he knowledgeable about parkinsons? If so, Google the procedure and see if there are any reviewd. That's what I would do.
BTW, I got botox in both calves and my left foot.
I tried Botox one time for my foot. My doctor gave me some shots. It was the most paineful experience I have ever had. I screamed so loud that I scared the girls at the reception desk.After all that it did not help andI would not do it again.
I receive Botox in my feet and calves every 3 months. I have had this procedure for 3 plus years now. It stings but is not that bad. I even get an injection at the middle of my foot (underneath. The doctor spray freeze on it for the injection and it is the only injection that stings more. All of the sting last for seconds and it is worth it. It does not hurt as bad as a flu shot ( Not even close). There is a device that helps with vocal problems The device is now available to try as a demo through the National Parkinson's Disease Foundation's Centers. I have a copy of the article on my blog: margiesjournal2.blogspot.co...
I try to find all the new information about Parkinson's disease almost daily and place it on my blog for all to read. I am just trying to help.
Where are u located?
Charleston, SC. Doctor is neurologist - has m.d and ph.d. She is researcher and clinician. Heads movement disorder clinic at Medical University of South Carolina and with the V.A. Best doc we've ever been to!
I live in Charleston too. I need to look into going to the movement disorders clinic. At this time, I love my neurologist and everything seems to be going smoothly.
Do you know of any support groups? You are actually the first person in this area that I have run into that has PD. Feel free to email me, it would be good to have or know someone here in Charleston who could relate to the experiences that I have.
Actually my husband has pd (for about 15 years now -was diagnosed when he was in his late thirties). The second Sunday of each month at 2:30 is the Charleston support group. Meets at St. Francis/Roper, West Ashley.
We just got back from our meeting. We have a care-givers group which meets on the last Sunday at Panera Bread, near Tanger outlet in North Charleston at 1:30.
D is in the MUSC movement disorder clinic, had the DBS surgery 10 years ago. Neurologist at MUSC is Vanessa Hinson.
Thanks for letting me know about the support group. I will put it on my calendar. I wouldn't have been able to make it today, I had foot surgery on the 3rd answer not getting around much.
I am only 46, just diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago. As I said earlier, I don't know anyone else in this area that has PD. I will be at the support group either next month or the month after. Thanks again.