Is weight loss common with PwP? - Cure Parkinson's

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Is weight loss common with PwP?

MCC950 profile image
28 Replies

Has anyone with PD noticed any significant weight loss?

My husband was diagnosed with PD 7 months ago, (May 2019).

He has lost 10 lbs this year. Before his PD diagnosis his weight was normal, not overweight at all, so the weight loss seems significant for him, especially around his waist. For the last 7 years, we stayed away from gluten, such as pastas and breads, just to stay healthy, but now started reintroducing them in our diet, hoping it would help him gain some weight.

Since his PD diagnoses, we try eating more organic foods than red meat or pork and very little chicken, but mostly vegetables, fruits, eggs, cheese, nuts, fish or seafood. We both eat the same meals everyday and I'm not loosing any weight, but he is. So it seems odd.

He goes to the gym 5 days a week, but has been doing so for decades and has followed the same routine of exercises, so I can't understand the weight loss. Does anyone know if this is common with PwP?

Thank you in advance.

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MCC950 profile image
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28 Replies
MBAnderson profile image

Yes, it's quite common - for a few reasons.

MCC950 profile image
MCC950 in reply to MBAnderson

Thank you

Lionore profile image

Yes, it’s common to lose weight without trying. Before diagnosis I always seemed to struggle keeping my weight down! I was about twenty pounds heavier a few years ago, now have a BMI of 23.5, not complaining, mind you. It could be the slight tremor, not very noticeable with medication but constant enough to burn a few calories. I also tend to change positions in bed, trying to get comfortable, that also burns calories. Mostly I think that I eat more slowly because I’ve almost choked a few times, very scary! I try to exercise daily, eat healthy, but still occasionally have dessert or bread with butter. Keep an eye on your husband’s weight that it doesn’t get down much more, if he’s got tremor see if medication can reduce or even eliminate it, and maybe Increase healthy fats like olive oil in cooking, avocados, and higher fat dairy products.

MCC950 profile image
MCC950 in reply to Lionore

Thank you very much Lionore.

It’s encouraging to know it’s not just him. I will make sure to be more generous with olive oil.

rhyspeace12 profile image

My husband has had PD for around 8 years. He started out averaging 219 lbs, and has lost 50 pounds, He has very little appetite.

Pelley profile image

I’ve been a member of this “team” for about 14 years. All our playbooks read the same for many reasons, but mine has recently turned to muscle atrophy. I still do everything I’ve been doing to keep me going this long but my Neurologist is now threatening to add MSA to my title here. Not much different, just more efficiently debilitating.

MCC950 profile image
MCC950 in reply to Pelley

Pelley, I’m sorry to hear that. Do all you can to keep moving. Everyone of our doctors say exercise is the best medicine. Motion is lotion. There is a new program that just became available at our Y, called bicycling for PD.

My husband loves it and finds it very helpful. It has been researched and highly recommended. It helps with PD and MS. There is quite a bit on the internet about it.

jeffmayer profile image

When I was diagnosed 8years ago I was 13 stone 4 pound now I am 11 stone 4 pound I do cycle but I find it hard to maintain weight according to the pd nurse it can be common in pd patients

Zella23 profile image

My husband dx for 4 years has lost about 21 lbs. he did need to lose weight but says he d prefer to be the size he was then and be well, than be slimmer now with PD.

I think it is definitely related to PD.

pmmargo profile image

Some drugs cause weight gain, such as Mirapex.

Intrepid200 profile image

Before Parkinson's disease my weight was 260 lbs in 2011

Today I am at 2010 depends on the type of Parkinson's disease you have a patient can either lose weight or gain weight

Every month my waist decline

ruff1 profile image

My husband- diagnosed 13 years ago has lost weight thus year BMI 19 seeing a dietician in Jan , could be dyskinesia? He eats really well and lots if food , 3 meals a day and two snacks ( houmous/ rice pudding/ homemade banana bread ....) good muscle tone as he goes to the gym 4/5 times a week x

aspergerian13 profile image

PD subgroups and subtypes : Early Weight loss. - Parkinson's Movement.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to aspergerian13

Good thread. Thanks.

laglag profile image

Does he have tremors? I believe the tremors cause

your body to burn more calories because of constant moving so you lose weight. But, if you're on an antidepressant it causes weight gain in most cases so sometimes they cancel each other out, but sometimes one takes over. Just a thought?

MCC950 profile image
MCC950 in reply to laglag

Yes, he has a mild hand tremor that comes on and off.

PDGal4 profile image

Diagnosed 8 years ago. In that time, have lost 18 pounds. Seems to come in waves. I’ve been stable now at around 121-122 lbs for about a year now. I ate gluten free for about a year (stopped a little over a year ago). Good part is keeps cakes, cookies, etc out of your diet. I missed pasta so went back to gluten. I lost about 10 pounds when first on Rytary, although my doc says it is Parkinson’s not meds that causes weight loss. I attribute some to dyskinesia, but much to extra effort to move when off. Burns a lot of calories.

pwpwifekim profile image

My HWP just hit the 3 year since diagnosis mark. Until recently, he was not on drugs for symptoms. He lost 25 pounds this year, so down to his swimming weight in college. We believe it was the tremors and lack of smell (which has a subtle effect on appetite). We saw a nutritionist who suggested adding a meal and/or snack daily, drinking protein drinks, adding gravies to his food...quality calories. He regained 15 pounds, but he has to work at it.

I believe loss of muscle mass is a result of PD and has been a factor in my weight loss.

weekapaw profile image


I started at 250 lbs. now, in 4 years i'm down to 180. no dieting. I eat anything I want. I think of it as a value added. I read studies that say half of us lose weight and half don't. It doesn't affect longevity, and is probably better for us.

MerckK profile image

I am a PD patient for last two years. I have not lost even an ounce despite trying to reduce as I feel shortness of breath while wearing my shoes or doing some jobs which require bending or sitting, due to weight. I am 5feet11 inches tall with a body weight of 82 kgs. I want to reduce myself by 6kg.

There can be some other reason which need examination.

LAJ12345 profile image

My husband lost nearly 20 kilo in the first year going from just over 100 kg to 80. He was overweight . We put it down to going gluten free, sugar free, less meat, no seed oils (only olive oil, coconut oil, butter), no processed food, lots of greens and more beans etc. also organic. We got a bit worried it wasn’t going to stop going down. Now he has stabilised and has put a bit on again.

I think with various supplements his gut has repaired and now he is digesting better. He takes digestive enzymes and has been taking berberine and Allimed (garlic) alternating weeks with probiotics (Lifestream mood &immune), pantethine, Hardy’s daily essential nutrients, Hardy’s greens and probiotics daily. He takes lots of other supplements too listed on my profile but I think these ones were key for fixing his gut along with the diet changes. L-Carnosine and horny goat weed extract has helped his energy and motivation.

Before he had roseacea, oily skin and acne and has a Parkinson smell. Now his skin is better and the smell has gone. I think he wasn’t digesting fatty acids properly. Now he is and has so much more energy and feels much better.

swva profile image

I may be the exception since I have gained about 20 pounds in the 5 years since my diagnosis. I am at my highest weight ever at 208 pounds.

S70AWD profile image
S70AWD in reply to swva

You are not alone. I, too, have been putting on weight I think that with the fatigue of PD and the effects of a car accident two years ago, I cannot exercise at the same level as I was doing before the accident. Hence, the pounds add up and pack on.

chartist profile image

One of my friends with PD has lost about 30 lbs without really trying and I think one reason may be that he has lost his sense of taste and smell and consequently he is eating a bit less. His weight loss did not start until his taste and smell abilities became almost nil.


aspergerian profile image

PWeight Loss in Parkinson’s Disease: The Relationship with Motor Symptoms and Disease Progression.


aspergerian13 profile image


Weight Change Is a Characteristic Non-Motor Symptom in Drug-Naïve Parkinson's Disease Patients with Non-Tremor Dominant Subtype: A Nation-Wide Obse...


Predictors of weight loss in early treated Parkinson's disease from tET-PD LS-1 cohort.


MCC950 profile image

I like to thank each and everybody of you for the overflowing of reactions to my inquiry and for offering your direction. I truly appreciate the readiness of this community to share their experiences to help one another. I feel so fortunate to have discovered such a caring network who share a genuine interest and worry for one another. I'm gaining so much knowledge from each and everyone, more than I can say from any other network.

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