I am wondering if anyone has tried hypnot... - Cure Parkinson's
I am wondering if anyone has tried hypnotherapy for shaking, as i find the slightest stress sets me off. Thanks for any help.

I am currently building some furniture which came in flat packs and I am quite sure there is no hypnotherapy that exists which can alleviate the stress of assembling such. Why do I never learn!
Norton, thank you so much for replying. As to the DIY jobby, I have read
and enjoyed your posts, and have no doubt you could do flat packs
standing on your head - hypnotherapy or hypnotherapy !!
PS I envy you - such a lovely dog.
Thank you for your kind comment about my dog Norton who went to sleep just over two years ago; because we loved him I must tell you a little more about him. He was a guide dog for a lady with sight problems. My wife and I used to look after guide dogs whenever their owners went into hospital or on holiday, but could not take their dogs with them. That's how we came by Norton when his owner died. He was with us for over four years and went everywhere with us. Our holidays and activities were planned with him in mind. Owing to my Parkinson's at present I do not feel up to having another dog, but who knows, I am determined to reverse some of my PD symptoms and maybe another beautiful dog like Norton will come into our lives. It's one of the reasons that motivates me to improve.
Best wishes
when my husband concentrates on doing something the tremor and inability to use his hands gets worse. He has trouble eating now and gets tired and gives up. He lost 6 pounds over and above the 25+ he had lost earlier. It's been a struggle but I now feed him at supper. His food is still hot and tasty and he enjoys it more. I don't know about hypnotherapy. I do think stress makes things harder.
I doubt Hypnotherapy would work, but who knows?
I think many of us do the same when stressed, I believe it must be part of the condition.
If we know something stresses us out we are told we should avoid it, but then that could make for a boring life.
I like to go straight at something which stresses me, I reckon kill or cure.
i tried hypnotherapy but it wasnt effective firstly because when i tried to relax my tremor started and when i did relax enough to stop the tremor it didnt last long.
alanrob, thank you for replying. You have made me think again as to the
worth of hypnotherapy. I particularly find it embarrassing when I go
to the dentist, acupuncture, neurologist appointments and shake from
the waist down. Just don't want to be adding more medication.
Good morning! I learned how to do self-hypnosis and use it still sometimes. I find it to be similar in effectiveness as having someone else massage or even simply touch me. In short, it seems to be of temporary relief, which can be very useful.
Best Wishes,
Bisbee, AZ
That's interesting Steve, I had never thought of self hypnosis, but think there may
be an App which might help - will investigate. Thank you for the thought.
Best regards,
Thankyou reverett123' I will definitely look into self hypnosis as it must be a very
useful 'string to one's bow' in any event. I like the idea of using it for MRI
scans as it always seems to take so long in there. Thankyou.
Hi Kirleyvall
I have never tried self hypnosis or hypnotherapy but I find listening to light classical music whilst rubbing my thumb along my index finger alleviates the tremor - I am a 10 year veteran of the battle with the beast but apart from medication and intense workouts that still works for me
Kind regards
Thank you froggatt55, I will try your finger trick and see if it works with me - I
certainly hope so. Perhaps if I do a form of self hypnosis by telling myself it
will work, then it will ! Thank you again.
Hi Kirleyvall, I had just walked into my house from a hypnotherapy session when I read your question. This is a complex issue as not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis. I was first hypnotised when I was a student teacher by a dentist who needed to overcome my fear of sitting of sitting in his chair!! After 40+ yrs I decided to try again for dentist without escort/ sedation, PD tremor, pain & other symptoms. The therapy is just as important as the hypno for anything but simple tasks so find a bona vide therapist. Self- hypnosis sounds easy but again for complex issues it takes time to hone skills. I can illustrate this by telling you that from an acute claustrophic I was able to spend 90 minutes in an MRI scanner as part of the TRANSEURO stem cell transplant clinical trial.
It must be worth a try but don't expect miracles.....like PD it is unique to each of us.
Thank you honeycombe3 for your wise words and congratulations on overcoming
your dentist fears and also MRI claustrophobia, real achievements. I am still
very interested in trying hypnotherapy and will try to find a good clinical
therapist as I believe the relationship with the therapist is also key. Thanks again.